Meet your Miss Cook Islands contestants


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Friday August 03, 2018 Written by Published in Local

Reihana Maire Koteka-Wiki has visited more than 40 countries and manages her own Liliko’i Bikini business. 18080208

Here is our next profile of one of our finalists in this years Miss Cook Islands pageant.

Name: Reihana Maire Koteka-Wiki

Age: 26

Vaka/Main Tribe: Vaka Takitumu, Ngaputoru

Occupation: Self-employed 

About Reihana:

Reihana is probably the most well-travelled young woman I have ever met, having visited more than 40 countries.

She’s lived in and experienced some incredibly diverse cultures, scenery and architecture, but her heart has always been in Rarotonga – this will always be home to her she says.

Reihana’s father has been employed by the United Nations since before she was born in Israel in the early 90s. Together with her three sisters and mum, this “woman’s household” has followed the token bloke on his postings around the world, moving every three to four years, but Reihana is now home to stay.

She’s thoroughly enjoying her first time being involved with Te Maeva Nui, reconnecting with her Atiu side. The Atiu youth and teenagers she tells me are fun and engaging and she values her “learning” time spent with the elders and composers.

Reihana completed her degree at Auckland University in 2015, majoring in psychology with a minor in Pacific studies.

It was during this time that her entrepreneurial side first presented itself and Reihana started a baking business selling cake pops to fellow students.

When not managing the Liliko’i Bikini business that she started just over a year ago or helping to look after the family’s rental properties, Reihana enjoys hiking our mountain treks, reading, keeping fit and exploring the lagoon to become better acquainted with our marine life.

Reihana is passionate about fitness – having fitness instructor parents has clearly rubbed off on her. She considers herself relatively disciplined and motivated and says her mum has been a great role model.

Exercise is Reihana’s time to “tune out”. She enjoys group fitness classes and the positive energy that comes with it. “It’s like therapy,” she says.

A competitive swimmer in her teenage years, butterfly was her strongest stroke and one she won medals for whilst competing in Kenya.

Living and buying local is important to Reihana. She loves seeing the various young entrepreneurs on the island “utilising their talents and sharing their gifts with the community”.

“Whether it is wearing an outfit made by a friend or cooking meals with locally picked and caught produce, I find joy in supporting local products.”

And if Reihana comes to your place for a potluck dinner she’ll bring her coconut-cream cake!

- Jaewynn McKay


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