Michael Cinco to Miss Universe Canada handlers: 'Next time don't use Filipino designers'



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Published May 22, 2021, 7:46 PM

by John Legaspi

The team behind Miss Universe Canada 2020 Nova Stevens allegedly claimed that the gowns made by Michael Cinco for the beauty queen came late and were ill-fitting

Michael Cinco and Miss Universe Canada 2020 Nova Stevens

A buzz among Filipino pageant fans online on May 22, 2021, Saturday, is Filipino fashion designer Michael Cinco’s response to a post made by MGmode Communications, the team behind Miss Universe Canada 2020 Nova Stevens.

Entertainment News Portal, a website dedicated to all-things pageantry, shared on its Instagram page screenshots of what is assumed to be a now-deleted post by MGmode Communications, claiming that the gowns made by the designer for the Canadian beauty queen were sent late and ill-fitting.

“The truth need[s] to be told,” the post said. “The gown[s] was [were] sent late by Michael’s team, and when it [they] arrived none of them fitted! We were able to fix the one for the finals, but the one for prelims, we didn’t have time [for].”

“At the same time, they have time to custommade a gown for another delegate who checked in with her custommade Michael Cinco gown. Things don’t add up,” it ended.

The team also wrote that the incident also happened at the Miss Universe 2019 pageant with candidates from Argentina and Uruguay, which they handled.

In a lengthy comment, Michael said that the gowns arrived on time and were suited to Nova’s measurements, as depicted on behind-the-scenes videos and photos released online. The Dubai-based couturier also revealed shocking information in his statements.

Among those was the editorial shoot Nova did in Dubai was arranged and sponsored by the designer “to give her extra publicity mileage and create a balance of glam and luxury as opposed to her humble homecoming in Africa.”

Michael also made it clear that he sent dresses to Miss Romania 2020 Bianca Tirsin, Miss Czech Republic Klara Vavruskova, and even to the crowned Miss Universe 2020, Andrea Meza from Mexico, and that it is none of the team’s business who he dresses. He also stated that the above-mentioned candidates have sent grateful messages to him, unlike Nova and her team whom he “didn’t even receive a thank you note.”

The designer ended with a comment that stated, “Next time, don’t use Filipino designers, use designers from your country and represent them on the world stage so you will be happy and not think that we are sabotaging your candidates.”



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