Michelle grateful for supportive ‘queens’ in the family



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Philippine Daily Inquirer / 12:20 AM October 31, 2019

Michelle Dee with mom Melanie Marquez (seated)

“She’s such a stage mom,” actress-model Michelle Dee said of her beauty queen parent Melanie Marquez, who has been dutifully helping her prepare for her bid in the 2019 Miss World pageant in December.

“She’s on the phone with me almost every day. She can be makulit, but she just wants to help me the best way she can. And you can’t blame her. She’s so excited. I appreciate that so much,” she told reporters at a recent press conference for the upcoming film, “Cara x Jagger.”

Melanie, who won the Miss International crown in 1979, makes sure to give Michelle pointers on how to improve her performances. “One of the most important advice she gave was to become my own person,” related Michelle, Melanie’s daughter with businessman Frederick Dee.

Meanwhile, Michelle’s cousin Winwyn Marquez, winner of 2017 Reina Hispanoamericana, is just as supportive. “She talks to me about my mind-set and expectations. I have concerns about how international contests work,” she said.

With the Miss World 2019 pageant just weeks away, the 23-year-old hopeful has been busy with all sorts of training. “It’s about figuring out your weaknesses and making them strong,” she said. “There’s a lot of planning, walk training, etc.”

“It’s a matter of curating [your good qualities] in a way that would showcase yourself better,” she added.

Pressure is unavoidable, she admitted, but also necessary. “It’s something I have had to deal with ever since, because I was born into this family,” she pointed out. “But I always see pressure as something positive. Without that, I don’t push myself to excel. And I feel like I wouldn’t be where I am now.” —ALLAN POLICARPIO



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