Michelle Marquez Dee shares most intense moment in MUPH



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Published May 2, 2022, 3:43 PM by Robert Requintina

Michelle Marquez Dee (Instagram)

Michelle Marquez Dee, who won Miss Universe Philippines Charity 2022 at the Miss Universe Philippines 2022 pageant, took to social media to share one of the most intense moments in her life.

On Instagram on May 2, Michelle revealed that being one of the last two girls standing on stage during the finals was filled with tension.

Her full post:

“I have always believed that everything in life happens for a reason.

“As @celeste_cortesi and I gave our all to win the crown, in the end we always knew only one of us would win. No one can take her destiny away from her because she is queen well-deserved and a true friend for that matter as well. Glad to have shared this moment with you, just like we manifested.

“This moment was probably one of the most intense in my life (so far) but at the end of it all, I’m filled with nothing but gratitude for the love, lessons and endless support I’ve received. No effort will go unnoticed, and I promise to come out stronger. ‍

“I’ll soon post something to really show my gratitude for EVERYONE who helped me on this journey. Mahal ko kayo and who knows this might not be the last,” wrote Michelle.

Front-runners Celeste, Michelle, and Katrina Llegado, who won 2nd runner-up, became friends during the competition.



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