Miss Africa to clean city



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May 25, 20191 Min Read

GLADYS Kayumba (right) with afro-pop singer Malz Bently (middle) and other members of the #SaveMyCity project during a cleanliness awareness campaign at Kalingalinga Primary School in Lusaka.


GLADYS Kayumba, the 23-year-old model who was second runner-up at the Miss Africa 2018 pageant in Cross River State early this year, is swapping the shiny catwalk stage for the broom as she embarks on her role as waste recycling ambassador.
Recently appointed in her new role by Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa, Gladys is eager to prove that her appointment is not simply for cameras or CV.
The keep Zambia Clean, Green and Healthy campaign is something she is taking seriously.http://epaper.daily-mail.co.zm/



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