Miss Alabama 2019: Tiara Pennington is ready to rule



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By Mary Colurso | mcolurso@al.com

She’s smart. She’s serious. She’s dedicated. And she’s much more than just a pretty face.

That’s the impression you get after meeting Tiara Pennington, Miss Alabama 2019.

Pennington, 20, was crowned Miss Alabama less than a week ago, but she’s already assumed the role with graceful confidence. In fact, she seems ready to rule the world.

During a recent conversation with AL.com, Pennington calmly tacked questions that ranged from serious to silly, discussing everything from her reaction to Alabama’s new abortion law to her thoughts on sweet tea. (She has mixed feelings about the former and enthusiastically supports the latter.)

Pennington, a political science major at the University of Alabama, is the first black woman to be named Miss University of Alabama. She’s the second black woman to be named Miss Alabama, following in the footsteps of Kalyn Chapman James, Miss Alabama 1993.

Her place in history certainly matters to Pennington, but right now, her gaze is focused on the year ahead, as she travels across the state making public appearances, doing charity work, speaking to community groups, motivating students and more. She’ll also represent Alabama at the 2020 Miss America pageant.

“This is my year, and I only get this one year,” Pennington said. “This year is all about being Miss Alabama. Winning the pageant and representing everyone in the whole state at the national pageant is going to be extraordinary, and I am going to enjoy it.”

Pennington, the daughter of Dedra Eastland Pennington and Don Lee Pennington of Helena, admitted that she’s a “girly girl" who enjoys dressing up, rarely leaves the house without makeup and feels quite comfy wearing a crown. (“I love it. It’s sparkly and shiny,” Pennington said.)

But she’s also devoted to spreading the word about her philanthropic cause, leading an organization called Psoriasis Take Action Alabama, which is linked to the National Psoriasis Foundation.

Pennington’s mother and uncle have suffered from psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, so it’s a personal issue for her. Pennington easily rattles off facts and figures about the chronic autoimmune disease, which affects the skin and joints. She can talk problems and solutions, discuss medical costs and funding, and has even shared her views with the board of directors of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Pennington, who plans to attend law school, is a passionate advocate for her platform (now called a “social impact initiative” by the Miss Alabama and Miss America organizations). She’s also a skillful opera singer -- Pennington performed a vignette from “Nessun Dorma” for the talent portion of Miss Alabama this year -- and she has a strong background in dance.

With a name like Tiara, you might think Pennington was destined for the pageant world, and you’d probably be right. Her mother competed for Miss Alabama during the 1980s, and held three local preliminary titles: Miss Dixie 1986, Miss Music Hall of Fame 1987 and Miss Leeds Area 1988. Pennington’s mom also served as director for two local preliminary pageants, Miss Alabama Music Hall of Fame and Miss Shoals Area, over an eight-year span.

Pennington’s grandmother, Carolyn Eastland, also has been involved in Miss Alabama as a field director.

“I remember pageant girls coming to my house, and practicing singing and talent and all of that,” Pennington said. "And I said, ‘I would love to do that one day. I want to be a Miss Alabama.'”

Tiara Pennington, Miss Alabama 2019, talks with her mom, Dedra Eastland Pennington, at her Miss Alabama after-party at Grille 29 in Birmingham.
Tamika Moore | tmoore@al.com

Pennington started her journey by participating in Alabama’s Rising Stars, a mentoring program that pairs Miss Alabama contestants with girls ages 7-11. She later competed for Miss Alabama’s Outstanding Teen, winning that title in 2016.

Pennington said her immersion in the pageant world allowed her to meet other achievers and develop a concept of sisterhood. It gave her poise, boosted her self-esteem and led her to work hard to accomplish her goals.

“I felt comfortable being around all these girls who were doing the same things that I was doing,” Pennington said. “They were all exceeding in school, the same as I was, and they were all passionate about being in these different organizations. ... I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything, and it really molded me into the person I am today."

Sitting demurely in a sleek print dress and bright pink heels, the new Miss Alabama addressed the following topics during a 95-minute interview:

Tiara seems like the ideal name for a pageant winner. Is there a story behind that?

“There is a story. My mom, being a (pageant) director, was searching online for tiaras (when she was pregnant), and my dad walked in one day. She said, ‘I’m looking for tiaras.’ And my dad said, ‘That’s what we’re going to name her, Tiara.’ That’s how I got my name. I’m so glad my dad had a voice in what my name was going to be, because Mom was going to name me Page. Page Pennington. But I like Tiara a lot better. It has a nice ring to it. … My dad gives me the horror stories of all these names my name could possibly be right now, but my dad said, ‘Uh-uh, I don’t like any of those.’ And Tiara was my name from then on.’

Tiara Pennington, Miss Alabama 2019, poses with her mother, Dedra Eastland Pennington, fourth from left, and her father, Don Lee Pennington, fourth from right, and other loved ones. Her grandmother, Carolyn Eastland, is second from right.
Tamika Moore | tmoore@al.com

You’re the first black woman to become Miss University of Alabama. Do you think of that as a milestone?

“It definitely is a milestone, and I had no idea about that history until the night I won. One of my co-directors came up to me and said, ‘You know that you’re the first minority that we’ve ever had to hold the title of Miss University of Alabama.’ I was floored, because I know there have been women of color who’ve competed before who definitely are deserving of the title. It’s something that I definitely have been honored by, and I’ve tried to do the best I could to represent the title of Miss University of Alabama.

“Really, I knew that it was a special moment when other minorities on campus come up to me, and want me to be a part of the different organizations and to come speak, because they look up to me. I’m so proud of my achievement, and they follow my journey, being Miss University of Alabama and now Miss Alabama.”

Are you a celebrity at the University of Alabama?

“I wouldn’t say I’m a celebrity, but I did go a lot of places around campus where people know I’m Miss University of Alabama. And being in a sorority where there’s over 400 girls, it kind of spreads around. Just being in sorority and fraternity life, with social media it goes everywhere. It’s been really nice to be known on campus a lot more, and to know that a lot of people on campus are proud of me for winning the title of Miss University of Alabama and represent the University of Alabama at Miss Alabama this year.”

Why do you think it took so long for a black woman to take the crown at the University of Alabama?

“Competing this year for Miss University of Alabama, there were only about eight girls who were competing with me. The numbers have dwindled down, and I think there’s just not enough awareness. People have these preconceived notions that it’s just a little beauty pageant and they don’t want their daughters in something silly like that. But it’s not silly. It’s one of the largest organizations that give women the opportunity to further their education with scholarships. That’s what I really try to implement when I talk to people. …

“We were talking this year about just building up, whether you’re black, white or whatever color you are, just trying to embrace all young women to compete in the organization. I think if we do that, we’ll see the numbers go up and have more African-American women receive a title and other minorities. There are a lot of organizations on campus, more than 100 organizations, so we have to advertise more and make it known.”

You’re the second black woman to become Miss Alabama in the pageant’s history. The last time was in 1993. Why do you think it’s taken more than 20 years for another black woman to be crowned?

“I don't know why … I like to think the Miss Alabama competition and the judges select a girl that they feel can step into that role. I think they just pick the best girl that they think can take care of that job. I’m very honored and thrilled to be Miss Alabama, not only just the second African-American to receive the title. I hope that during this year that I’m not just recognized as being the second African-American Miss Alabama, but one of the best, and that I try to represent everyone in the state of Alabama, as well as minorities.

“I think we have wonderful Miss Alabamas, and I hope we do see more women of color competing in Miss Alabama and we do have different minorities win the title of Miss Alabama. But I think the judges do a really great job of selecting who they think will represent the state to the best, each and every year. …

"My mom competed (in the 1980s), and she loved it and never saw it as a race issue. She knew it was a great organization. She’s always tried to help other women of color to compete. … My mom and grandma will tell you that Miss Nan (Teninbaum, president of the Miss Alabama Scholarship Organization) and the board of directors are not racist whatsoever. They try to encourage young women, all women. It’s open to everyone, to be a part of it.”

Tiara Pennington, Miss Alabama 2019, talks with Kalyn Chapman James, Miss Alabama 1993, backstage after her win.
Tamika Moore | tmoore@al.com

Kalyn Chapman James attended the Miss Alabama pageant this year and greeted you as the new winner. What did you talk about?

“I did get to talk to her briefly. She hasn’t been there in many years. She just hugged me and came up and took pictures with me. She said she was so proud of me and knew I could do it. She remembers me when I was little, she emceed one year and got to meet me, and of course knew my mother before she knew me. She just told me how proud and happy she was, because she called it when I was very young, that I would be the next Miss Alabama. She’s always been supportive and it was a great moment to see her that night.”

Do you think your win will encourage other minority women to get involved in the Miss Alabama pageant?

“This year, I will do my best to encourage all women to try to be in this competition, because it’s great that we all support each other and we empower all of us. We do have some challenges sometimes, trying to get ahead, and this is a great way to be in those powerful positions as CEOs and to rule the world. We’ve had multiple young women of color who’ve competed who have been amazing.”

What are you planning to do this year as Miss Alabama?

“This year I want to just really represent the girls I competed with very well, and represent the organization. I get to make a difference with my voice and my talent, and get to really be a servant for the people of Alabama this year. The title of Miss Alabama is all I ever could have dreamed or imagined it could possibly be. Miss America would be just icing on the top of the cake. I’m really excited to just change my life and change other’s lives. That’s what I’m looking forward to.”

Some people think competing for Miss Alabama and Miss America is old-fashioned and out of date. How do you respond to that?

“I disagree with that. I think this organization is very modern, very up to date, and a lot of people have these misconceptions that it’s all tiaras, pageant fakey, not serious at all, where you get a cash award and you get to buy all this stuff, which can be nice and is great, but this is an organization for empowering young women and giving them the opportunity to further their higher education, to become doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, CEOs, all these incredible … to be president one day. I would love a former Miss Alabama or Miss America to be president, which is very possible with this organization.”

Tiara Pennington, Miss Alabama 2019, says she'll take a year off from her studies at the University of Alabama, devoting her time to the responsibilities of her reign.
Tamika Moore | tmoore@al.com

The swimsuit competition was eliminated from Miss Alabama this year, to accord with new guidelines from the Miss America organization. How did you feel about that? You competed in swimsuit in 2018, the year you were first runner-up.

“Last year, it was announced right when, I think it was the night I had swimsuit. Really, I was crushed, because I had worked so hard on having healthy eating habits and exercising and really just looking good. Of course, I didn’t have the best body in the world, but I knew that I had worked hard and achieved something. But going through this whole year and not having to worry about every little nook and cranny on my body really has helped me to just be comfortable in my own skin. I’ve developed lifelong eating habits that I will continue for the rest of my life, where I will be healthy. And I do enjoy exercising.

“If you look at all the candidates who competed, they all have wonderful bodies. They’re all healthy; they’re all fit. This job can be exhausting, where you have to go all the time. You have to be fit, and you have to be up for the challenge to be able to move and travel and not be tired. That all happens when you have a healthy diet and you're exercising regularly. So I’m not that disappointed this year. It was great, a lot less stressful. …

“It can be really unhealthy, I think, when you start really stressing about getting abs or getting this piece of fat off. That’s just going to take a little while and not just happen overnight. You end up starving yourself, and then after the pageant’s over, you end up just eating everything, which also makes you unhealthy. As long as I’m eating properly and exercising, I’ll be fine.”

You’ll be representing Alabama in the national competition during a time when our state is under fire for its new and restrictive abortion law. How do you feel about being Miss Alabama at this point in time, when others are boycotting the state or criticizing it strongly?

“At this time, being Miss Alabama, I don’t see myself as a political figure. I see myself representing the state of Alabama, the candidates I competed with, as well as being a servant, serving others and showing my own social impact initiative to others. Of course, during the whole week (of the pageant), you are judged on if you know current events, and if you know what’s happening around you. Of course, I know that Gov. Kay Ivey did sign one of the most restrictive abortion laws that we see in the country. I thought, of course, that it was very restrictive, but I understand that they’re trying to see Roe v. Wade change in some form or fashion, and this was a way to test that. We’ll see what happens with this.

“I would have like to have seen provisions when it comes to rape and incest in the bill, because those are very important to me. I know a couple other girls who I competed with have social impacts on sexual assault and being sexually harassed themselves. You just never know what’s going to happen in life. You always say, ‘It’s never going to be me,’ but then it happens to be you and you’re just like, ‘Oh, my, what do I do now?’

“I consider myself to be pro-life … but I also know that I haven’t ever experienced something like that, and we can’t always look at someone’s life and just judge them if we’re not in their shoes. I don’t see this as a black-and-white issue; I see this as having variations of gray. So with that, I do believe that women should have the choice to choose if they are in different situations of rape and incest, and just different other life circumstances that we don’t always understand.”

So you’re confident representing Alabama, no matter what others might say or think?

“Absolutely. I think there’s all these misconceptions about what Alabama truly is, unless you live here. … I know everyone has their own experiences living here in the state. I have loved every moment of living here in Alabama, and going to Miss Alabama, and what Alabama represents. Because we are a beautiful state. We have lots of changes that are still occurring, and of course, we still have progress and a ways to go.

"But I don’t think (the abortion debate) is just an Alabama issue. I think it’s a national issue for the United States of America and something that we’re just going to have to continue working on, when it comes to women’s rights and civil rights. I don’t just think it’s an Alabama issue or an Alabama problem.”

How do you feel about the state of women in Alabama right now?

“I think right now is a wonderful time for young women of Alabama to look up to Gov. Kay Ivey, regardless of whether you agree with her political opinions or not. I think she encourages, and has broken that glass ceiling, making women feel they could run for political offices, or they could be governor or Alabama, or they could represent their own districts.

“And when you look at the Miss Alabama organization, and the Miss America organization, you have so many empowering women who compete and are doing amazing things outside of competition life. There’s only one of me, but there’s still local titleholders across the state who spread the same message. I think it’s a wonderful opportunity to give women to branch out, and to give them the confidence that you can do this. You can be leaders of Alabama in the world.”

Tiara Pennington, Miss Alabama 2019, is surrounded by former Miss Alabamas and Nan Teninbaum, president of the Miss Alabama Scholarship Organization, at her after-party at Grille 29 in Birmingham.
Tamika Moore | tmoore@al.com

Tiara Pennington, Miss Alabama 2019, is surrounded by former Miss Alabamas and Nan Teninbaum, president of the Miss Alabama Scholarship Organization, at her after-party at Grille 29 in Birmingham.

You were born and raised in Alabama. This may seem like a strange question, but do you feel Southern?

“I think I’m a Southern girl, just because I live in the South. A lot of people think about Southern hospitality, being very friendly, very ladylike. But there also can be some negative connotations, where people think (Southerners) are not as intelligent. I don’t agree with that. ... I feel like I’ve had a wonderful education, and I’m not close-minded. I think I’m very open-minded, and the people I’ve always associated myself with have been open-minded. I think being Southern is just living here in the South, but also having my own identity.”

Is there anything you’ll miss about the South when you travel to another state? Are you a girl who needs her sweet tea?

“I love sweet tea. It is good, and I’m trying to cut back just a little bit, because I’m trying to eat my calories and not drink them. … There are little quaint things about living in the South that you miss, sweet tea, you’ll always have that, and Southern cooking. Southern food is good. I love trees and grass and lots of land. You don’t find that everywhere; it’s just gray, concrete, and you can’t see the sky. You can’t see the stars, because there’s so many lights. Those will be things that I’ll miss. I would have to drive out somewhere far and find some good food, sweet tea and stars.”



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