Miss America and the Feminist Movement [EDITORIAL]



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Miss America and the Feminist Movement [EDITORIAL]

The Miss America pageant made a large leap forward into the 21st century for this upcoming pageant in terms of feminism. The swimsuit competition portion of the pageant has been removed in a grand gesture of feminism making room for the other, more substantial aspects of the competition.

We are pleased to see this discard of the swimsuit competition in the Miss America pageant. This pageant started as just that: a beauty pageant. Women competed over looks. As time progressed, more portions were added onto this pageant, making it more into a competition.

Miss America has become a large scholarship competition in which women compete in categories such as Artistic Expression, Presentation and Community Achievement, Presence and Poise, and Lifestyle and Fitness. These categories took away from the idea of this being a competition solely based on looks.

For the first time in the history of this pageant, all of its principal directors are women. This is one of the things attributed to the pageant no longer having its Lifestyle and Fitness, or swimsuit, portion of the competition. Women are no longer going to be judged based on their appearance in a swimsuit.

This is a huge step for feminism, but there are still those who are upset about the fact Miss America is straying from its tradition and what this competition was founded on. Although this competition was created as a beauty pageant, the world has changed into a place where women are more than just appearances.

We feel that tradition is no excuse as to why change cannot be made. Progress is attributed to the changing of tradition. Miss America has gone through changes in the past, such as desegregating the competition, and will only survive if it continues to change in the future.

Fitness and health can be shown without walking around in a swimsuit. There are more empowering ways to show off fitness and health (for example in an interview or in a talent portion). The swimsuit competition in the past has had more to do with the idea of being a skinny size two Barbie Doll. We’re moving into an era where you can be fit without fitting this mold and it is beautiful no matter what. Showing off fitness and health should coincide with not having to fit into an ideal mold.

Pageants are seen as more outdated in today’s culture. We feel that reducing the competition to be more based on intellect will only help empower women and create a better image for Miss America. Miss America is seen as a beauty pageant due to the idea that it has a large focus on appearance due to the evening gown wear and swimsuit portions of the competition.

By focusing on artistic expression, presentation, and community achievements, we allow these women to show their personalities and them as a person beyond the scope of beauty standards created to define women. In showing women for their character, we only help the feminist movement in a positive manor.

We see this world that is evolving into a more equal place. We can see women standing up and having a voice. It only seems fitting that the Miss America pageant reflects this notion.

This editorial was written by Jennifer Yaccarino based on the stance of a Media Milwaukee editorial board formed in JAMS 504 class.



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