Miss America announces producer for September show



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ERIN SERPICO Staff Writer Jun 19, 2018

The Miss America Organization announced Monday that Global Road Entertainment will join the organization to produce this year’s competition airing on ABC in September.

The Miss America Organization announced Monday that Global Road Entertainment will join the organization to produce this year’s competition airing Sept. 9 on ABC.

Global Road Entertainment’s Unscripted & Alternative division will partner with the organization and Tall Pony Productions in producing the televised competition, according to a news release from Miss America.

Phil Gurin, the company’s president of Unscripted & Alternative Television, will be the executive producer.

“It is such an honor to be part of the team launching Miss America 2.0 this September,” Gurin said in a statement. “As we reimagine this storied franchise, it’s exciting to offer a new and empowering platform for these strong, female leaders to shine.”

The Miss America Organization announced several changes during the past few months after emails leaked showing former CEO Sam Haskell and board members using vulgar and disparaging language to describe past contestants. Haskell resigned, along with several other board members, and the organization later announced a new board and an all-female top leadership team.

Dick Clark Productions dropped the Miss America national broadcast from its television production lineup amid the scandal.

Miss America Board of Trustees Chairwoman Gretchen Carlson announced earlier this month the competition would no longer focus on physical appearance and the swimsuit competition would be eliminated.

The evening-wear portion of the competition also will be changed to allow women to wear something other than a gown.

Gurin has produced television shows across genres, including live events, games, music, hidden camera, comedy and formatted reality, according to the news release. He has won four Primetime Emmys as an executive producer for ABC’s “Shark Tank.”

“As The Miss America Organization moves into executing the Miss America 2.0 mission of preparing great women for the world and preparing the world for great women, we are fortunate to have individuals and companies of such experience, talent and vision working together to create an amazing show,” Regina Hopper, president and CEO of the organization, said in a statement.



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