Miss American Samoa departs for Miss Pacific Islands Pageant



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January 27, 2023

Miss American Samoa, Kauhani Fuimaono, departed late this morning for the Miss Pacific Islands Pageant in Samoa, accompanied by the President of the Miss American Samoa Inc, Meafou Imo.

A full week of activities starts tomorrow with a church service culminating in the crowning of the next Miss Pacific, next Friday, Samoa time.

Five contestants will be in the running from Nauru, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and American Samoa.

This is the smallest number of contestants ever since the regional pageant started more than 30 years ago. The reason is because several of the islands hold their competitions towards the end of the year but the pageant which is being revived after more than 2 years due to covid, is being held early.

Samoa’s Fonoifafo Seumanu has held the title for 3 years.

Before she departed this morning, Miss American Samoa said she was looking forward to the pageant.


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