Miss America's new reality show lacking in reality



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When organizers of a post-Labor Day pageant in Atlantic City promoted the search for “the most beautiful bathing girl,” it was an Atlantic City newspaperman who came up with a better idea.

“We’ll call her ... Miss America,” said Herb Test, a Press reporter doing publicity for the 1921 event.

That’s how far back the Press of Atlantic City’s history with the Miss America pageant goes — right from the beginning.

Now, nearly 100 years later, it seems like those in charge of Miss America want nothing to do with The Press.

Earlier this month, the Miss America Organization denied Press of Atlantic City reporter Lauren Carroll credentials to cover the 2020 Miss America Competition.

“Unfortunately, a credential cannot be issued for your application,” was the MAO’s response.

That was it, by way of explanation. Although the MAO, which denied other media requests by the editor of a national pageant magazine and a Washington Post reporter, later told other media inquiring about the denials that it was their right to decide who could cover the competition.

In recent times, the Miss America Organization has been in search of its identity, saying it wants to be more inclusive in its search for the contestant who reflects its ideals. Miss America 2.0, the recent rebranding, says it is dedicated to “empowering young women across the country to be the best they can be.”

We’re not sure how that jibes with its recent actions to control media coverage.

It’s clear that media coverage of the Miss America Organization has irked its leaders. But the answer isn’t to close the doors.

In cutting off coverage, the MAO is not only doing a disservice to us, but to the public. That includes the thousands of volunteers nationwide who were promised transparency and openness after 2018.

The MAO prides itself on being a grassroots organization. Its historical message is that it needs the participation of the community and stakeholders to thrive.

Not to toot our own horn, but our coverage has helped spread that message, through the countless stories of pageant contestants, faithful fans and volunteers who make the pageant run smoothly.

It’s true, some of our coverage has exposed the flaws in the organization. In truth, we covered the organization and the event like it mattered.

For nearly 100 years, our photographers have documented the pageants, on stage and behind the curtains. Our reporters have trailed contestants around town to every photo shoot, toe dip and publicity stunt we could.

We’ve also covered the scandals and controversies — including the swimsuit controversy as well as the more recent allegations of bullying. That’s being balanced.

The Miss America Organization wants something else, something that has the illusion of reality, but in fact is tightly controlled, and not real at all.



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