Miss Botswana 2018 in doubt



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By Sharon Mathala - January 12, 2018

The Minister of Youth Development, Sports and Culture, Thapelo Olopeng has finally responded to complaints made by Miss Botswana 2017 pageant service providers.

The service providers, amongst them designers, claimed they were not been paid for their work and accused top ministry officials of ineffectiveness.

On Monday, Olopeng himself took to social media, revealing he is still on holiday but has noted all concerns and has directed his juniors to pay those that were engaged.

However, the minister’s message contained a cryptic note, reading, “When I resume duty, we are going to meet with BCW (the Botswana Council of Women) to decide the future of our relationship.”

Could this mean the relationship between the two, with the Ministry being the event’s major sponsor, has come to an end? Will there be a Miss Botswana 2018 pageant?



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