Miss Botswana 2022 top 10 revealed



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Nnasaretha Kgamanyane Friday, September 23, 2022 | TOP 10 finalists

The organising team of Miss Botswana beauty pageant has revealed the pageantry’s Top 10 finalists out of the 15 beautiful and talented young women who aspire to win the crown.

The following contestants were selected to partake at the grand finale to be held at Mo’s Kitchen on October 22, 2022: Alipo Makosha, Lesego Sejai, Cheshe Tsayang, Goitsemodimo Sejai, Sebaga Manyapetsa, Lesego Chombo, Tshepo Nthaga, Lorato Kgangyapelo, Gontlafetse Oagile and Cynthia Kalayakgosi.

However, Miss Botswana director, Benjamin Raletsatsi said the five contestants who did not make it to the top 10 will not go home empty handed. He announced that they would be given a scholarship by Boitekanelo College where they would study a course of their choice in either entrepreneurship or health. He added that even though they could not all make it to the top 10, they were all winners as it took a lot for them to make it to the top 15.

“It is okay to be scared. Whoever does not make it to the top 10 must make the experience worth while. This year’s theme is, 'We Are Winning Miss World This Year'. As a country, without the beauty industry we do not exist. Botswana’s main source of revenue is not necessarily diamonds. Diamonds without going into making products is just a stone.”

“We want to use Miss Botswana as a tool to get into the world stage and as a tool that grows the industry. We want to turn Botswana into a tourism destination. We want to host Miss World in the near future. Through beauty industry we can create jobs and employ many young Batswana. This is a dream that can empower a girl child,” he said.

The top 15 looked stunning in beautiful outfits designed by Just Candy by Candy. The reigning queen Palesa Molefe and her mother also graced the event. Her fashion designer, Delayna Scott was also present.



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