Miss Cambodia goes viral as Megan Young's lookalike



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By Bianca Geli Published On: September 14, 2022, 03:45 PM

How did Miss Universe Cambodia Manita Hang react to comparisons with Megan Young? Find out here:
Manita Hang, reigning Miss Universe Cambodia is catching the attention of many for her striking resemblance to Filipina beauty queen actress Megan Young.

During Hang's recent visit to the Philippines in Manila and Cebu, the 24-year-old beauty queen mentioned she has been compared to 2013 Miss World Megan Young.

During the Mister International Philippines, Hang told the media, "It actually feels good because she is a beauty queen. And so, this is very important to me that actually I'm a lookalike because she's actually an international pageant titleholder,”

Hang has an admiration for the Philippines, especially since the Miss Universe Cambodia pageant's national director, Romyr Libo-on, is a Filipino. Hang said she knows she is in good hands.

She added, "The Philippines is well known for pageant queens, they have a lot of international titleholders already, not only queens but also kings.”

The Cambodian beauty queen also wants to connect to Filipinos, who are known for being passionate with pageantry, "I do know that I have a lot of Filipino fans and I'm very thankful and blessed for that."

Hang will be in the Philippines for 20 days to undergo training and a series of guest appearances.



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