Miss China crowned Miss Global International 2019 at glitzy ceremony in Jamaica



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By Stabroek News October 1, 2019

(Jamaica Observer) Miss China, Alice Li, was crowned Miss Global International 2019 during a glitzy ceremony at the Montego Bay Convention Centre in St James on Saturday night.

The 25-year-old accountant came out ahead of 19 rivals to walk away with a cash prize of US$3,000 and other awards.

“I am so overwhelmed… It really doesn’t feel real… It’s such an honour to have won the title of Miss Global International 2019,” she told the Jamaica Observer.

First runner-up went to Miss San Andres, Yasleth Castillo Nelson, while Miss Jamaica Brithney Clarke finished third.

Li also copped two sectional prizes, Best Talent and Most Aware. She said she will use her reign to further her work in volunteerism.

“I have a great passion for volunteerism… all my free time, that’s where it all goes. There are so many amazing community organisations that I work with. I also sit on three hospital boards in my city, so it’s something that has been a part of my lifestyle. Therefore, this is the perfect opportunity to expand on that and give myself a greater voice,” Li disclosed.

Miss China was clearly a crowd favourite. She elicited thunderous applause from the audience after her response to the judge’s question on whether enough was done to stop the recent Amazon rainforest wildfire.

“It’s unfortunate what has been happening with the forest in the Amazon. Even though there has been so much international relief effort, I do believe that there is room for improvement. There are environmental laws and respective governments are not enforcing them. I believe that as a whole planet, we need to look at it together as one team. It is not just a matter of forestry it’s an issue of our planet Earth,” Li responded.

Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Olivia “Babsy” Grange, who was among the panel of judges, was impressed by the event’s production.

“It was a well-produced event. I thoroughly enjoyed being one of the judges, I think the winner really outshone everyone, but most of the contestants were very good, very intelligent, well-poised and their gowns and national costumes were well designed and really presented an array of beautiful women in beautiful attire,” said Grange.

Pageant conceptualiser Lachu Ramchandani commended organisers.

“I am extremely satisfied and overjoyed because my daughter, Neelam Ramchamdani, who is actually the pageant director has taken the show to an extreme level. I am extremely proud and I want to congratulate her. I am happy that she has taken the show to a very professional and a higher level. It is something that I haven’t done in 25 years. I am now ready to take a back seat. So starting next month, she will be officially appointed as the chairperson in charge of the whole Miss Global,” Ramchandani said.

Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett, in a video message, hailed Ramchandani.

“For over 25 years Lachu has been successful in uniting the world through beauty and tourism,” he said.



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