Miss Diva 2019 Winners Shine On Femina’s Latest Cover



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by Femina | January 8, 2020, 11:00 AM IST

All things glam and glitter take centre stage on Femina’s New Year issue, as gorgeous Miss Diva 2019 winners sashay their way forward. Featuring Vartika Singh, Miss Diva Universe 2019, and Shefali Sood, Miss Diva Supranational 2019, our first cover of the year is a promising note of new beginnings for the year, and the decade. These young beauty pageant winners talk about their journey, evolution of beauty pageants, biggest lessons, and more.

We also bring to you a detailed survey on millennial working mothers to decode the work-life balance and to ascertain if it really exists. The Beauty edit presents a guide on self-care and how you can ace it. The Fashion feature is a tribute to our ever-growing and endless love for denim and ways to style it. Food-lovers will be delighted to find some lip-smacking recipes from north-western states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

The Relationship edit can come in handy if you want to divorce your partner and do not know the right way to say it. Whereas the Passion edit sheds light on ending the dull phase in your bedroom. All this and more in this power-packed issue. Go, grab your copies now.



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