Miss Dominica 2020 village launches begin this weekend



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Dominica News Online - Wednesday, January 1st, 2020 at 9:55 PM

Elnarrah Emmanuel (left), Primrose Angel David

Contestants for the 2020 Miss Dominica pageant will be officially presented to their communities this weekend.

On Saturday, January 4, 2020, Elnarrah Emmanuel of Kingshill will be officially presented to her community. Elnarrah’s launch will take place at 3 pm at the Newtown Savannah this Saturday. Elnarrah is the founder of the Pashiwok Dance Academy and won the first Dominica Can Dance contest in 2012. Her platform for the Miss Dominica 2020 pageant is Overcoming Depression.

On Sunday, January 5, 2020, queen contestants will head to the Massacre Basketball Court to celebrate with Primrose Angel David of that community. Primrose is no stranger to the stage as she has participated in several pageants and won the Miss WobDwiyet title in 2016. She also has a passion for fashion. Primrose’s platform for the Miss Dominica 2020 pageant is Culture as a pathway to community development. This village launch also begins at 3 pm.

At both village launches, speeches are expected from Parliamentary Representatives, officials of the Dominica Festival Committee and light entertainment will be provided.

Upcoming villages launches are as follows

January 11, 2020 Kimra Charles of Fond Cole

January 12, 2020 Melanie Charles of Goodwill

January 25, 2020 Savahnn James of Roseau

January 26, 2020 Kadisha Joseph of Fond Cole

February 1, 2020 Shannon St. Hilaire of Soufriere

The National Queen Show will be held on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 at Carnival City – the Windsor Park Sports Stadium Forecourt. All Dominicans are encouraged to come out and support the young ladies at their respective village launches.

For further information, please contact the Dominica Festivals Committee at 767 448 4833. Visit us on Facebook, Twitter, or watch us on YouTube.



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