Miss Dominica contestant, Primrose David, receives full sponsorship from Preconco Ltd



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Dominica News Online - Sunday, January 12th, 2020 at 10:19 PM

Primrose David (right) with Preconco’s Damien King

Miss Dominica 2020 contestant, Primrose David, of Massacre has been officially sashed by construction company, Preconco Limited which is providing the 25-year-old with full sponsorship.

Preconco was founded in 1991 with a mission to be the leaders in the Precast Concrete Building Industry throughout the Caribbean.

At a press conference on Friday, January 10th, 2020, representative of Preconco, Damien King said his company is proud to be associated with David and to support her as she works towards becoming Miss Dominica 2020.

“Our company and employees are excited to be a part of her journey and wish her all the success in this important juncture for her career,” he said “Preconco is also excited to be established in Dominica and to be building sustainable housing for the citizens of Dominica.”

King added that Preconco employs and trains local tradesmen, uses modern technology and is also in the process of building a plan that will enable the creation of a new industry and to serve Dominica well into the future.

David expressed great pleasure in being able to present herself as Miss Preconco Limited and her gratitude for the company’s generosity.

“While I listened to my sponsor’s presentation, I could not help but think of the similarities that exist between this company and myself,” she stated. “Like me, Preconco is visionary, thoughtful and strong. After all, Preconco limited are the leaders in the manufacturing of precast concrete in the Caribbean.”

The 25-year-old Miss Dominica hopeful thanked Preconco for choosing her and assured them that she will do all things within her power to represent her sponsor in her quest to capture the title of Miss Dominica 2020.

King sashes David

On Saturday, January 11th 2020, Contestant Kimra Charles, Ms. Maxroy Trading of Fond Cole will be launched at Reunion Park on Goodwill Road at 2:30 pm.

Contestant Melanie Charles of Goodwill will also be launched on Sunday, January 12th, 2020 at Lindo Park from 2:30pm.

The Miss Dominica Pageant will be held on February 20th, 2020, on the forecourt of Windsor Park Sports Stadium.

At the conference, Dominica Festival Committee (DFC) announced that the national parade and official opening of carnival will be held on January 18th, 2020 at 3pm beginning from Victoria Street, Roseau.



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