Miss Earth 2019 beauty pageant kicks off in Manila



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By: Robert R. Requintina
Published October 3, 2019, 7:30 PM

It’s Flower Power for Miss Earth 2019!

The highly-anticipated beauty and environmental event of the year kicked off Thursday afternoon with a bouquet of fresh faces and its unrelenting stance to protect and preserve nature.

Close to 90 alluring delegates from all over the world arrived in Manila to take part in what could be one of the fiercest competitions in Miss Earth history.

Armed with passion and commanding presence, not to mention their ethereal beauties, this year’s batch could definitely be considered as among the most competitive.

“Their striking physical attributes already make them a standout. And once you hear them speak their minds, they become even more attractive,” said Carousel Executive Vice President Lorraine Shuck.

“They’re like flowers that are about to bloom,” Schuck added, referring to the floral-themed edition of Miss Earth.

For its 19th year, Miss Earth celebrates the flowers of the world. Known for symbolizing beauty, flowers also stand for purity and joy.

As each delegate showcases the national flower of her country, they bring with them a positive vibe and a message that nature can bloom once again if people would do their part to protect it.

More significantly, Miss Earth 2019 also promotes the #MEandmytreecampaign in light of the alarming natural calamities, particularly the burning of the Amazon, Borneo, and the Africa rainforest which is considered as the lungs of the Earth.

Through the campaign, Miss Earth and its delegates encourage people in different parts of the world to plant a tree within their surroundings to help alleviate the effects of these unfortunate incidents.

The four-week schedule of activities will see the delegates touring various parts of the country while promoting the pageant’s cause.

Pre-pageant competitions are also lined-up, as well as the three rounds of preliminary judging that will determine which delegates will stand the chance to become the new environmental ambassador, said Carousel Vice President for Logistics Peachy Veneracion.

“It’s going to be a hectic yet worthwhile month for the delegates. Competition aside, the whole process is a learning experience for these ladies. We hope that this year would be another memorable edition of Miss Earth,” said Carousel President Ramon Monzon.

Miss Earth 2019 culminates on Saturday, October 26, telecast live on FoxLife, with a delayed local airing on Sunday, October 27 on ABS-CBN Sunday’s Best.



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