Miss Earth 2019 candidates presented



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Published October 2, 2019 4:34pm

As the beauty and environmental beauty pageant officially kicked in on Tuesday, close to 90 delegates from all over the world were presented at the Diamond Hotel.

This is Miss Earth's 19th year, and for this edition, the pageant will celebrate the flowers of the world, with each delegate showcasing the national flower of her country.

"They bring with them a positive vibe and a message that nature can bloom once again if people would do their part to protect it," the statement read.

This year the pageant organization also promotes the #MEandmytreecampaign to spread awareness on the recent burning of the amazon.

The delegates will become advocates to encourage people to plant trees within their surroundings.

The Miss Earth 2019 Philippine representative is Janelle Lazo Tee of Pasig. She was crowned by 2018 bet Celeste Cortesi last July.



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