Miss Earth Uganda 2022 shares reasons for wanting to stay in the Philippines



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by Frances Karmel S. Bravo November 29, 2022

Miss Earth Uganda 2022 Caroline Abire enumerated the things she loves the most about the Philippines. PHOTO/S: SCREENGRAB FROM INSTAGRAM

Miss Earth Uganda 2022 Caroline Abire may have struggled to get to the Pearl of the Orient Seas, but the challenges she faced were worth it.

In an exclusive interview with PEP.ph (Philippine Entertainment Portal) at the Miss Earth 2022 x Spotlight event last November 25, 2022, the Ugandan native revealed how she almost missed the chance to join the competition.

Caroline said, "It was not easy, because I was really bothered and mentally unstable because it really hurt me that my national director was unbothered about [not having funds for a flight].

"Because she went silent, she went mute about it. It really bothered me."

As the Ugandan beauty queen pointed out, other queens are able to get support. So she wanted to ask their national director, "How come you could not get support?"

Fortunately, support never ran out for Caroline. With her fans' help, she was able to collect funds to continue her participation in the Miss Earth 2022 competition.

"Though I hadn’t gotten many years but I kept pushing because I knew I had support from behind," she said.

"Like people kept pushing on. So yeah I got the money from friends, family, also me. It feels really good that I have support from friends and family."

In the end, Caroline is grateful to have the opportunity to compete.

She said, "But I’m really humbled that I’m here, and I’m here for competitions and I’ve never been in the Philippines, but I’m really excited to be here."


Aside from the support of her fellow Ugandans, Caroline was overwhelmed by the encouragement she received from Pinoys.

"I’m really happy that some Filipinos would text me on Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, everywhere.

"You know to motivate me, to be like ‘Yes, you can make it girl, go ahead you can make it.' Then I was like, ‘Yeah, I’m going to make it. I’m going to make you feel proud.'"

Caroline quipped, "I’m glad that the Filipinos are good people. I actually want to stay here. Can I stay here?"

When asked what she loves about the country, the 25-year-old beauty queen named the food, the weather, and the people.

She exclaimed, "The food, I love the dishes here! Oh my god, I love the rice, the mushroom soup. Oh my god the desserts are so sweet.

"Why I want to stay here is the weather, the weather is really nice. And then the people, everywhere you pass by, [they say] ‘Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!’ They’re really amazing people.

"They want you to feel good, to teach the society they don’t segregate or discriminate you. They’re really good people. Really amazing human beings. I’m really humbled."


After going through a lot of trouble to get to the Philippines, Caroline's biggest hope is to at least land a spot in the pageant's Top Five.

"We are all here to take the crown home, right? But not all of the 80-something delegates are taking the crown home.

"They actually want like a Top Five. So the Top Five, I just pray I come among the Top Five. Even if I don’t come among the Top Five, I’ve got an experience which will help me in the near future, and which has empowered me to work harder.

"It gives me motivation to work harder for what you want. You don’t feel bad because you don’t win the crown, but actually be happy for the others. Keep clapping for them until it’s your time."


Before the interview ended, Caroline also imparted a few words to fellow crown aspirants who may be experiencing the same hurdles she encountered.

"My message to the people who would like to join the competition but are restricted either by family or other natural causes, all I can say is do you," she advised.

"Don’t mind the background noise. Don’t mind about the rest. People will always say something.

"People will always stop you from doing something. But if you feel like this can take you somewhere, can take you places, please do it. Just do it.

"Don’t mind about what people will say because people, whether you do good or bad, they’ll still say something. Just do you. Give thanks to God. Do you. Be happy."


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