Miss Eco International winner says she's 'safe' amid COVID-19 concerns



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Posted at Apr 07 2021 03:28 PM

Newly crowned Miss Eco International Gizzelle Uys assured her social media followers on Wednesday that she is "safe" amid concerns about the pageant's candidates getting infected with the COVID-19 virus.

In an Instagram post, Uys revealed that she is set to return home to South Africa soon as she thanked the Miss Eco International organization for taking care of her and her family.

"I want to mention [that] although I am still traveling, I am safe," she said.

"Thank you for all your concerns," she added.

Uys posted on Instagram hours after Miss Eco International assured the public that it is "taking care of all our infected queens."

Philippine representative Kelley Day, who finished first runner-up, has yet to release a statement on the matter. Miss World Philippines earlier said it is coordinating with the people behind Miss Eco International to ensure Day's safety.

In response to the issue, the franchise holder of Miss Eco International in Japan said it will no longer send representatives to the pageant.



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