Miss. Egypt leaves China to participate in Miss. Universe pageant



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Ernest Hemingway Entertainment

The International Airport of Cairo has recently left Hilal and the famous Mona Helal Miss Egypt for 2018, to Guangzhou City in a transit suit followed by travel to the Chinese island of Sanya to participate in the Miss Universe match that will be held next month.

Miss Egypt is aboard the national airline EgyptAir and has been taken off by a public relations team at Egypt Air.

Umniah Helal Egypt represents the world competition and has successfully passed all the conditions of the competition. The most important and difficult to pass public information tests and many other requirements such as height and weight and to do the full English proficiency and to do a lot of charity and social excellence.

The beauty of the universe 2018 in the island of "Sanya" Chinese in December, with 120 countries to get



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