Miss England 2018 winner reveals devastating health battle she faces every day



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Miss England 2018 winner reveals devastating health battle she faces every day
Alisha Cowie had to ask the Miss England judges to repeat one of the questions - but it didn't stop the ambitious student from taking the title

ByPeter Robertson 18:39, 13 MAY 2019

Alisha Cowie is fulfilling her Miss England duties (Image: Graham Stone)

In September 2018, as the finalists of the Miss England pageant waited to hear which of them was the winner, none was listening more intently than the then Miss Newcastle, Alisha Cowie.

That’s because Geordie student Alisha, now 19, who was duly announced as Miss England, had been suffering hearing loss for four years.

“It was very scary,” she recalls.

“I was OK with one-on-one ­conversations indoors, but I ­struggled to keep up if I was talking to two or more people. When I was in a crowded place, everything was just noise to me and I could never make voices and conversations out.

“I’d go completely deaf outside in windy weather and wouldn’t go to a rock concert or anything really loud. It was annoying and embarrassing because I’d have to ask people to repeat themselves.

“When I was asked a question by the Miss England judges, I had to ask for that to be repeated.”

She found parts of the competition very scary

Alisha, who was born in ­Gateshead and raised in Newcastle, recalls, “In 2014, I noticed that my hearing was going in one ear. The problem came and went. I was only 15 and assumed it was temporary. But when I hit 17 it became worse so I visited my GP. He checked my ear health and said it was fine.

“The problem got worse but I was told repeatedly there was nothing wrong.”

Then, last August, just before her 19th birthday, Alisha visited Boots for a hearing test. She wasn’t prepared for the news that she had premature hearing loss in both of her ears.

“I knew I had an issue with my right ear, which is why I had gone for help, but apparently my right ear was only slightly worse than my left, which I hadn’t realised. The audiologist performed the test twice because he couldn’t believe that an 18-year-old could have such bad hearing loss.”

Alisha was devastated. “I was told my hearing could stay that way forever, or it could deteriorate further. I was shocked. I thought I was too young for something like this to happen.”

At the time, Alisha was studying Crime Scene Investigation And Forensic Science at Teesside University, hoping to become a detective.

She was given the news during a check-up at Boots (Image: John Gladwin)

She had no idea how the diagnosis would affect her future. The audiologist referred her on to an ear specialist for further investigations, so she simply had to wait.

Her confidence was knocked, and Alisha almost didn’t compete in the Miss England competition the following month for fear her difficulties would hold her back, but finally resolved to go for it.

“I decided that I couldn’t let it get me down,” she explains.

“I began to learn sign language and to lip read, so if the worst was to happen I’d have options and it would not be the end of the world. I’ll be honest, I’m still not great at signing.”

Since taking the title, Alisha has been busy fulfilling official duties as Miss England, all the while still waiting for her appointment with the specialist.

So when, during an interview on BBC Breakfast in April this year, Alisha had to ask co-hosts Louise Minchin and Dan Walker to repeat their questions, her hearing ­problems were spotted by an employee of private healthcare company Hidden Hearing, who invited her into the company’s Newcastle branch for further tests.

“They told me the problem could be ­hereditary, that I could have been born with damage to the tiny bones in my ears, or perhaps I’d hit my head as a child which could cause damage to the nerves or bones.

“If my problem is to do with the bones rather than nerves it’s unlikely to get worse. An operation could fix them but that comes with the risk of nerve damage. I felt that, for me, the best option was hearing aids.”

Hidden Hearing fitted Alisha with their Oticon Opn S hearing aids, which – unlike traditional aids which restrict focus to one sound at a time – give your brain access to more sounds around you.

“I wear them all the time, except when I go to sleep,” says Alisha. “They’re making a massive ­difference. Now I can even hear what somebody behind me is saying. They’re also discreet, but I wouldn’t be embarrassed if people know I wear them. Lots of people lose their hearing.”

“I will probably have to wear hearing aids for the rest of my life, but I’m fine about that,” she adds. “They’re already making my life so much better.”



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