Miss England finalist works with forklifts when she's not competing in pageants



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A MISS England finalist hopes to break stereotypes. While she has a girlie side, she's not afraid to get her hands dirty working in the HGV industry.

By Sophie Roberts / Published 22nd July 2019

Miss England finalist Ella-Louise Rees stuns at Ascot Racecourse

A forklift expert is hiding a surprising secret – she’s a beauty pageant contestant.

Ella Rees is used to working in a male dominated industry, where she wears boiler suits and sells construction vehicles.

But the 19-year-old has a very feminine side too.

She has entered the Miss England competition, where she hopes to encourage others not to play into stereotypes.

Ella, from Feltham, Middlesex, has always had a love for cars.

Her dad also runs a business focused on heavy good vehicles, which has also sparked her interest in the subject.

After leaving school after her GCSEs, the teen swerved university to set-up her own business.

She also helps out with her family company – although punters are often surprised to be dealing with a young woman.

GIRL POWER: Pageant contestant works as forklift expert when she's not on the catwalk (Pic: MERCURY PRESS)

CAREER DRIVEN: Ella left school to work alongside lorry drivers and forklift salesmen (Pic: MERCURY PRESS)

Ella revealed: "My dad's family business has always been heavy good vehicles, I deal with the smaller side of things.

"I do all my own work, everything myself and I don't rely on anybody.

"But I think some people get a surprise when they call up my company and it isn't a man who answers.

"They are shocked and say 'can I speak to someone selling the vehicles', they don't expect it to be me.

"I think older generations find it a more of a shock, when they come to look round they ask is there anybody else and I say 'I am the only one’.”

DRESSED TO IMPRESS: Ella looks very different when she's dressed to the nines (Pic: MERCURY PRESS)

The HGV expert is used to turning heads at work – but she did the same when she started partaking in beauty pageants.

Her colleagues were stunned to discover she had enter Miss England, but Ella is happy to challenge these perceptions.

She said: “Some of then men I come across at work are quite shocked when they find out I do beauty pageants, they don't expect it from me.

"What I look like at work isn't exactly what you would expect from somebody doing a beauty pageant - but I see myself as someone who breaks the mould…

"When the other pageant girls realise my day job it is quite a bit of a shock, people say 'I wasn't expecting that'.

"They often think I should be doing something in beauty.”

Previously, Ella competed in the selfie round of Miss England.

After making it through those stages, she’s preparing to take part in the final of the national pageant in Newcastle later this month.

The winner will advance to Miss World and will win a trip to Mauritius from Mauritius Tourism.

The hopeful is anxious and excited to see what challenges await her.

She added: "I have done a few pageants and some people think you just have to be pretty but it's much more than that, I like it because it is a sign of femininity and empowerment.

"I'm nervous but excited to take part in the Miss England final - I'm just going to keep trying."



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