Miss France 2021: April Benayoum speaks out on racist insults



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Invited on the set of TPMP on Friday March 12, the first runner-up of Miss France, accompanied by Jean Veil, her lawyer, testifies on the racist insults of which she was the victim on Twitter.

April Benayoum did not expect to receive so much hate when she entered the Miss France pageant. Victim of racism and anti-Semitism on social networks even as the election was taking place at Puy du Fou, Amandine Petit’s first runner-up told Cyril Hanouna on the TPMP set: “We don’t expect see this kind of comments. I learned about it the next day from friends who sent me the messages. It was hard, it hurt me. She adds that she has received “a lot of support” and says she is “ready to talk about it” today. When Cyril Hanouna asks him if that would have played a role in the election, the miss declares: “We will never know. I don’t think so, because otherwise I wouldn’t have gone so far in the adventure. “

Maître Veil, April Benayoum’s lawyer, declares that he has chosen “the civil route”. He specifies: “I advised April not to make a criminal procedure which will last for years. I recommended civil proceedings against Twitter directly. I want to try to recover the money earned by Twitter for April. We ask for reimbursement of the damage. “. Miss Provence ends on a positive note, and confides being “moved on.” We must not stay in this state of mind. We have plenty of proposals with Miss France. I model and influence. “To finish, Master Veil specified that Marlène Schiappa seized the Public Prosecutor’s Office and that” there will be a criminal procedure which will continue against those who used absolutely unbearable insults. “



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