Miss Ghana 2017 winner alleged to be having secret sexual affair with Bawumia's brother



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Thursday, 21 December 2017 

Margaret Mwintuur Dery, Miss Ghana 2017

Ghana’s flagship beauty pageant, Miss Ghana has been dogged with lots of controversies over the years and it seems the rot of that umbilical cord is yet to be cut.

The organizers of the hitherto prestigious beauty pageant picked 20 contestants; two girls from each region which eventually Margaret Mwintuur Dery who happens to be the niece of the current interior minister Ambrose Dery, representing the Upper West Region won and wore the crown.

Prior to final show down of the beauty pageant contest on Saturday, October 7, 2017 online news portal ghgossip.com reported there are lot schemes behind the scenes to make Margaret the winner even before the grand finale is held.

It was reported that her affiliation with the rulling New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the fact that she’s rumored to be having an affair with the brother of the Vice President, Yakubu Bawumia gives credence to this information.

The scary part of the whole allegations was that, beautiful and charming slim graduate of University for Development Studies could hardly exchange greetings in her mother tongue (Dagaare) let alone construct one sentence in any local dialect, yet she was picked as Miss Upper West and declared winner in the final event.

According to sources, one of the criteria for winning the pageant is one who embodies the heritage, culture and tradition of her region so many wondered why the organizers crowned contestant who lacked all these.

Information gathered ghanacrusader.com reveals that Yakubu Bawumia is dating and engaging serious sexual affairs with the beauty queen.

It is alleged that he donated thousands of dollars at a casino to the Miss Ghana events in the name of Miss Margaret Dery.




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