Miss Ghana 2018 To Allow Diaspora Participation



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Nana Kwame Asamoa-Boateng August 3, 2018

Organisers have disclosed that the 2018 edition of Miss Ghana pageant will also allow participation from young Ghanaian women staying in the diaspora.

This is the first time ladies residing beyond the shores of Ghana will have the opportunity to take part in the pageant.

The CEO of Exclusive Events Ghana, Inna Patty, who made the disclosure at the pageant’s launch on Thursday, said the move is to grant opportunity to other young Ghanaians out there to impact lives in Ghana.

“We shall begin with seven countries this year. These young ladies shall be given the singular honour of contributing to the various socio-cultural and economic interventions that Miss Ghana Foundation promotes. They will also get the opportunity to assimilate Ghanaian culture and heritage globally,” she stated.

The Miss Ghana 2018 launch ceremony was held at the Kempinski Gold Coast Hotel in Accra and attended by showbiz personalities, former queens and other dignitaries.

Among them were Nana Wereko Apem II, chief of Amanokrom, Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Regional Integration, Mrs Barbara Addo, Kwadwo Odame Antwi of the Ghana Tourism Development Company (GTDC), Director of GTV, Mr Johnnie Aryeetey, a delegation from James Town Mantse Agbonaa, among others.

The Miss Ghana pageant has, over the years, carved an impressive niche as that pageant that generates awareness to various socio-economic problems, collaborates with government institutions and corporate firms in sending relief to various deserving communities across the country.

A typical example is Miss Ghana Foundation’s last week commissioning of a water system to residents in Nabuli Witches Camp in the Gushegu Municipality in the Northern Region in collaboration with National Petroleum Authority (NPA).

According to Inna Patty, the Miss Ghana Organisation will continue to find queens that best fit its agenda to impact society. The pageant, therefore, would not be all about glitz, glam and the many privileges that come with the crown. It will come with an ambassadorial role that involves a lot of work – in joining other enterprising ladies to bring change to communities.

“The core objective of Exclusive Events Ghana Limited/Miss Ghana Foundation is to contribute meaningfully to the lives of vulnerable and destitute in society, especially in the rural areas/villages and deprived communities. We do not subscribe to beauties without brains and purpose. We really appreciate beauty queens who have compassion, love and absolute respect for the poor and vulnerable in society, and that is the more reason why Exclusive Events Ghana Limited is forever grateful to the beauty queens who show compassion, love and absolute respect to the alleged Witches Camp of Nabuli-Gushegu,” she added.

Miss Ghana 2018 edition is being supported by GTV, Superlock Technologies Limited, Kempinksi Hotel, Tang Palace, IPMC, Nasco, Akosombo Textiles, Magnum Security Forces, Allure Centric Hair and Modascky.

All events pertaining to Miss Ghana 2018 will also air on GTV.



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