Miss Ghana 2020, Monique Mawulawe Agbedekpui Represent Ghana At Miss World



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06-Dec-2021 / Beauty Pageants, Showbiz

Miss Ghana 2020, Monique Mawulawe Agbedekpui left Ghana Tuesday night for Puerto Rico where she will be participating in the 2021 edition of Miss World.

This year’s world pageant will take place on December 16, 2021 at the José Miguel Agrelot Coliseum in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

This year, the swimsuit competition will return after a five-year hiatus.

Monique Mawulawe is hopeful to make Ghana proud. She is appealling to all Ghanaians to vote for her to proceed in the various stages of the pageant.

“It was not an easy task securing sponsors to cover the cost, coupled with long visa delays but thanks to the Ministries of Tourism and Foreign Affairs: the US Embassy came through and we are especially thankful to H.E SS Sullivan,” the Queen said in a statement.

She used the opportunity to advise disgruntled past queens or contestants to desist from tarnishing the image of the Miss Ghana brand since the consequence of such actions affects successors of the title.

“Titleholders and contestants should rather rally behind such a great brand that transforms the lives of both participants and the less privileged. As well as protecting and preserving such a national pride and heritage.”

She urged all Ghanaians to download the Mobstar app and vote for Ghana and Africa by liking all her photos. The Miss Ghana pageant is the premier pageant in Ghana.

Just like the world pageant, it has been providing a life-changing experience and platform for young women who want to impact society.

Monique’s journey to Miss World 2021 is supported by her family, Exclusive Events Ghana Team, Musician Becca, Kora Spa, Tang Palace Hotel and the Lifestyle Gallery.

Others include Lawe Designs, Shoe zone, Kholibea, Nicoline GH, Bri Wireduah, Yartel, Akosombo Textiles, Beautiful Beneath, Pippas Gym, Dance God, Symmetry Gears, Duaba Serwa, Goba Kente, Jramdomejo, Am Fashion, Allure Centric, Beckscuisine, The Mix Design Hub, De Essence and Metro TV.



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