Miss Gibraltar crowned in official ceremony



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Katherine Brook 07 Jul 2001 12:00

THIS year’s Miss Gibraltar has been crowned in an official ceremony with the Mayor of Gibraltar, Mr Christian Santos, on Tuesday 6.

Although the 2020 Miss Gibraltar Pageant did not take part due to Covid-19, to ensure Gibraltar would still have representation at Miss World, Janice Sampere, who was the first Princess in 2019, has been appointed.

She will take over from the current reign, Celine Bolanos.

Janice Samphere, Miss Gibraltar 2021 (Credit Miss Gibraltar)

Sampere was crowned at the Mayor’s Parlour, City Hall, last Tuesday and will take on the full responsibilities of Miss Gibraltar, supporting the community and helping local charities.

She will also represent the country at the Miss World Pageant in December, in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

The Miss Gibraltar Office invites any charity, entity or organisation, who would like Miss Gibraltar to support their fundraising initiatives or event, to contact the Miss Gibraltar Office on 20067236 or email: info@culture.gi

Katherine Brook joined the Olive Press in June 2021. Originally from the UK, Katherine has worked as a freelance journalist for The Times, Culture Trip and many London based titles. She is also a copywriter for food, drink and fitness brands. She is a keen trail runner, cyclist, and enjoys exploring different food cuisines. Get in touch with a story katherine@theolivepress.es



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