Miss Global Universe’s 3rd runnerup winner to focus on promoting Danao



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y Michelle Joy Padayhag | June 25,2019 - 07:11 PM

Cebuana beauty queen Letelle Perez finishes 3rd runner up in the Miss Global Universe 2019 in Singapore. | Photo courtesy of Mrs. Asia Pacific 2018, Eurresse Talisic Misola

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Even if she is done with her international stint, Cebuana beauty queen Letelle Perez vows to continue to promote her hometown.

The 21-year-old passenger service agent will focus in promoting Danao City’s tourism after she placed third runnerup in the Miss Global Universe held in Singapore last June 23, Sunday.

“This is one of the fastest growing economic sectors. I will coordinate with the local government unit to achieve this,” she told CDN Digital.

Among Danao City’s pride that she wants to promote are Danao Adventure Park, Licos Peak, Mount Manghilaw, mini-Chocolate Hills, pottery making, and gun making.

Unexpected win

According to the official Facebook page of Miss Global Universe, the pageant is a “globalization gateway to women empowerment.”

Perez told CDN Digital that her third runnerup win was unexpected because other candidates were taller than her.

“But Señor Santo Niño allowed (me) it to happen (win),” said Perez, who stands 5”2.

She also took home special awards such as Miss Lumiere International, Miss Social Media Queen, Queen of People Choice Award, and Best in Intro Video.

Around 20 candidates across the globe competed for the title.

Completing the court in the pageant are Norma Alexa Garcia of USA (Miss Global Universe 2019), Wendy Cisneros of Mexico (first runner-up), and Marie Lefebvre of France (second runner-up).

Perez was chosen to represent the country after a regional screening was held and deliberated by Mitzie Gil, the country’s pageant national director, and Mrs. Asia Pacific 2018 Eurresse Talisic Misola.

Her stint with Miss Global Universe was fun especially visiting places she had never been before like Batam, Indonesia where they tried their food and experienced their culture.

“The memories are beyond measurable,” she added.

She is also not a newbie in the pageant industry.

Perez won some titles including Miss Airline Management 2017, Karansa Festival Queen 2015, and Mutya ng Kabataan 2014.| dbs



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