Miss Globe 2021 pageant to be held in Albania in November



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Posted at Aug 09 2021 04:11 PM

MANILA -- The Miss Globe 2021 pageant will be held later this year in Albania, organizers announced over the weekend.

In a Facebook post, Miss Globe said the competition will kick off on October 20, with the coronation set on November 5 at Opera Theater in Tirana.

Binibining Pilipinas reposted the announcement as it expressed its excitement for the country to win the crown.

Maureen Montagne will aim for the Philippines' second Miss Globe crown, after Ann Colis in 2015.

In a previous interview, Colis said she believes Montagne has what it takes to win the international pageant.

"She definitely has what it takes to win, very pretty and a strong stage presence, absolutely gorgeous!" she said.



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