Miss Grand Malaysia proud to wear Mak Yong-inspired costume in upcoming international pageant



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Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021 01:59 PM MYT


Jasebel Robert received praise online for her Mak Yong costume. ― Picture via instagram/missgrandmalaysia

PETALING JAYA, March 17 ― Miss Grand Malaysia Jasebel Robert has wowed many online with images of herself wearing a Mak Yong-themed costume.

She will be wearing the costume complete with an accompanying headdress for the international pageant in Bangkok next week which brings together participants from 63 different countries.

“In the olden days, Mak Yong is a Malay theatrical dance performed for entertainment and healing ceremonies mainly in Kelantan.

“The costume was designed by Ain Mohamad who adapted the costume after being inspired by the late primadonna Khatijah Awang.

“It consists of intricate details that reflect our cultural heritage.”

She highlighted that the Mak Yong dance theatre was declared as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by Unesco in 2005 because of its dying practise in Malaysia.

“While the national costume competition will be held on March 24, the preliminary competition will be on March 25.

“The final event will be held on March 27 at Bangkok’s SHOW DC Mall and Entertainment Hall where Miss Grand International 2019 Valentina Figuera will crown her successor.”

Her Instagram post has already been liked by over 900 users with many praising her for being proud of her country’s heritage and wearing the Mak Yong-inspired costume.



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