Miss Heritage Tiwonge Munthali in finals for Miss Malawi



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Miss Heritage Tionge Munthali in finals for Miss Malawi

December 15, 2017 Nyasa Times

The reigning Miss Heritage Tionge Munthali has joined the Miss Malawi beauty contest and sailed through into the finals after parading before a panel of three judges Lucy Kwengwere Nkhonjera, Tionge Chipezaani and Tarang Makhecha in Blantyre.

Three of the finalists: Tunosiwe, Alice and Tionge

Finalist: Tunosiwe Mwakalinga

Munthali won Miss Heritage crown in November 2016 in Lilongwe and went on to compete in an international beauty pageant which aims at promoting and celebrating heritage – the Miss Heritage Global contest in South Africa.

The model who has been studying banking and finance at Malawi Assemblies of God University in Lilongwe and currently an intern at CDH Investment Bank joined nine girls from the Southern Region who paraded in traditional, bikini, casual and evening wear.

The 23-year-old Munthali was named among the six girls that had sailed through to the national finals slated to take place in April next year.

Others are Alice Kaitano, Zuleika Nanguwo, Pemphero Grace Ganiza, Myra Khoza and Tunosiwe Mwakalinga.

Munthali said she was happy to have made it to the finals and hope she can get another crown.

Miss Malawi which used to be organised by Carver Bhimais now run by new organisers Nation Publications Limited (NPL) and Zodiak Broadcasting Station ZBS.

The current Miss Malawi is Cecilia Khofi .



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