Miss International 2017 kicks off



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More than 70 candidates from various parts of the world will compete for the title of Miss International 2017 in a final event to be held in Japan.

Lito Dela Cruz Expert in Showbiz & TvFOLLOW Curated byJane Flowers Published on:28 October 2017

Miss International coronation event [Image Credit: Believe/YouTube] Miss International coronation event [Image Credit: Believe/YouTube]

The delegates of this year’s Miss #International have already arrived in Tokyo, #Japan which is the official host country of the pageant [VIDEO], Global Beauties reported. The ladies visited various parts of the country and met with some of the sponsors.

During a press conference #Held on October 27, the candidates wore the traditional Japanese attire called the kimono. They also stopped by the Mikimoto store in Ginza, one of the most renowned shopping destinations in the East Asian country. The store displays the Miss International crown.

One of the sponsors of the pageant is multinational electronics company Panasonic Corporation. The ladies also attended an event hosted by this sponsor and were handed with pink gift bags.

Moreover, they also visited Tokyo University for some photo opportunities.

The delegates are currently staying at the Tokyo Dome City Hall which is the official accommodation venue of Miss International 2017. This will also be the venue for the final event which will be held on November 14.

Meanwhile, a candidate decided to drop from the competition after a series of nervous breakdowns, Missosology reported. Denmark’s Natasja Voldstedlund went back to her home country after staying in Japan for only two days.

She joins other nations that were able to produce a delegate but decided not to push through. These countries include Cuba and Puerto Rico.

Early favorites
From the moment the contestants arrived, some pageant analysts were able to come up with their early favorites. Among them are Venezuela, Japan, Australia, Nepal, Moldova and Indonesia, Missosology further reported.

Venezuela’s Diana Croce Garcia is a 20-year-old student with various experience in joining beauty tilts. She earlier competed in Miss World 2016 but failed to place in the semi-finals. 

Japan’s representative Natsuki Tsutsui is also one of the front-runners this year. She trained in the Philippines for around a year under the organization that trained past winners of the pageant from the country such as Bea Rose Santiago who won in 2013 and Precious Lara Quigaman who won in 2005.

Kevin Lilliana from Indonesia was chosen by Panasonic Beauty to participate in a shoot. She joined other delegates from East Asia.

Final competition
The 2017 Miss International pageant is the 57th edition of the event since it started in 1960. This is the 43rd time that it will be held in Japan. Philippines’ representative Kylie Verzosa will pass on the duties to the new titleholder.



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