Miss International pageant moved to 2021 due to COVID-19 pandemic



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Posted at Jun 16 2020 05:30 PM

Patch Magtanong represented the Philippines in Miss International 2019. She finished in the Top 8. Screengrab from Miss International YouTube page

MANILA -- The Miss International 2020 pageant has been moved to next year amid the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Binibining Pilipinas Charities Inc. (BPCI), which sends representatives to the Japan-based pageant, made the announcement on Tuesday.

"Because of health and safety concerns as well as the uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 60th edition of the Miss International pageant that was originally scheduled to be held in October 2020 will be postponed to 2021," BPCI said in a statement posted on its Facebook page.

BPCI has postponed its national pageant indefinitely as quarantines continue due to COVID-19.

Last year's Philippine representative in Miss International, Patch Magtanong, finished in the Top 8.

The country currently has six Miss International crowns.



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