Miss Ireland contestants announce their Beauty with a Purpose event ‘Cheers and Chats for Charity’



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By Richard Lynch on August 29, 2019

Miss Ireland contestants: Pictured at the Miss Limerick and Miss Clare 2019 pageant in the Opium nightclub are Miss 101 Limerick 2019 Christina Alcazar Deverell, Miss Limerick 2019 Ciara O’Halloran and Miss Clare 2019 Emma Austin. Picture: Conor Owens/ilovelimerick.

Miss Ireland contestants announce their Beauty with a Purpose event ‘Cheers and Chats for Charity’

Christina Alcazar Deverell (Miss Limerick 101), Ciara O’Halloran (Miss Limerick) and Emma Austin (Miss Clare) have launched their upcoming fundraiser event “Cheers and Chats for Charity” for the children’s non-profit charity “Variety”.

This is following their recent title wins of Miss Limerick, Miss Limerick 101 and Miss Clare and all three will be competing in the Miss Ireland Final. The charity event will take place on Thursday, September 5 in 101 bar, Limerick from 7.30-10pm.

It is a lifestyle event, presenting a fashion show on the night, along with entertainment and a panel of guest speakers who are invited to talk about topics surrounding mental health, social media and lots more.

Pictured at the Miss Limerick and Miss Clare 2019 pageant in the Opium nightclub are Miss Clare 2019 Emma Austin, Miss 101 Limerick 2019 Christina Alcazar Deverell, Miss Limerick 2019 Ciara O’Halloran, and Miss BeLimitless 2019 Katie Woods. Picture: Conor Owens/ilovelimerick.

There will also be prosecco on the night and the first 100 guests will receive goodie bags. All proceeds including ticket prices will go directly to Variety, a children’s non- profit charity that helps children who are sick, disadvantaged or have special needs.

The event MC will be Louise Cantillon from Spin South West. There are also many local Limerick businesses involved who have provided fabulous prizes for attendees. The fashion show on the night will include a male and female section, with outfits from Dani’s Closet, Showroom and Aoife McNamara, a local fashion designer.

This is a part of their “Beauty with a Purpose” event for Miss Ireland, which are events that the contestants have to organise themselves every year for a specific charity. Usually, each contestant organises their own separate event, but Christina, Ciara, and Emma organized it together to try and raise as many vital funds as possible.

*Please note this event is strictly over 21’s*

About Miss Ireland:

Miss Ireland is one of the World’s longest-running beauty pageants established in 1947, it has been the launchpad for many well known successful, empowering women in Ireland. The winner of Miss Ireland represents her country at the prestigious Miss World and in 2003 Rosanna Davison won the title of Miss World. The competition has not only been successful for the overall winners of the coveted crown but also for finalists who have taken part who credit Miss Ireland in helping to build their confidence, self-esteem, interview and media skills, all elements which they have gone on to use in their chosen professional careers.
Miss Ireland uses her reign to raise awareness and fundraise for charitable causes under the Beauty with a purpose title which is at the heart of the Miss World organisation. Since its inception, Miss Ireland has raised hundreds of thousands of funds and awareness for various charities with a strong focus on Irish Children’s charities.

The competition is not just based on beauty; there are many other tasks which the winner must compete in to win this crown such as her beauty with a purpose work, interview, fashion, sports, talent, and social media skills.



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