Miss Ireland finalist speaks about living in direct provision for ten years, being a biochemist and a model, and why pageantry is empowering



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Pamela has juggled her career, a Masters and modelling alongside the Miss Ireland competition

By Erica Carter 13:07, 18 JUL 2021 

After being mistaken as a pageant contestant when bartending at a previous Miss Galway final, Pamela set her eyes on the Galway title, won, and is now eager to get the Miss Ireland crown

A beauty queen, medical scientist, model and avid charity supporter, Pamela Uba is juggling it all.

Pamela (25) was crowned Miss Galway 2020 and awarded the prestigious Best Dressed Lady award at the Galway Races in 2019.

She also just finished a Masters in Clinical Chemistry.

However, Pamela had a challenging childhood as she spent a decade in direct provision with her family, from the age of eight to eighteen.

Pamela told RSVP Live. "The government should look at these situations and not keep people there for as long as they are."

As a finalist for Miss Ireland 2021, Pamela uses her platform to promote education within children who grow up in direct provision.

"A lot of girls are raising awareness for charities and that’s completely fine, but I thought there’s a lot of children and families going through something I know and something I’m very familiar with," Pamela said.

"I wanted to really put awareness on that, that these people are humans and they’re trying to get through life just as anyone else and their situation isn’t as great as some people might think it is.

"Especially with education - I didn’t realise while I was living there, up until I was filling out my CAO form during my Leaving Cert, that I wasn’t really allowed to go to college. I would be treated as an international student. So that kind of thing really is a downer because people can’t afford it, they couldn’t work."

She continued: "For myself and my family, I know I wanted to be out working, I wanted to help the community and help my family and that’s exactly what I did and I fought for that, but it’s not so easily done, I think I was just one of the lucky ones."

Pamela went on to be a medical scientist, and has now been working in Galway University Hospital biochemistry department for four years, as well as doing a part-time Masters, modelling and taking part in Miss Ireland.

"I’m so funny like that, I tend to put a lot of things on my shoulders all at once," laughed Pamela. "It’s been great to be busy, because for a lot of people nothing was happening so I’m grateful I still had loads of things going on."

After being mistaken as a pageant contestant when bartending at a previous Miss Galway final, Pamela set her eyes on the Galway title.

"I was working as a bartender. I went in to give the judges some water and Mary Lee, who was a model for Catwalk models and was the judge that day, thought I was a contestant.

"She encouraged me to join and I always thought about it and I just decided to do it at the last minute. It was actually the closing date for the applications when I applied."

Pamela and the other finalists have had to take part in a number of challenges for Miss Ireland

The contest is just beginning to hot up for Miss Ireland, as they have started partaking in different challenges in order to prove themselves worthy of the title. These challenges include a talent challenge, a public speaking challenge, and a modelling challenge, which is going ahead this week.

"We’re going to be doing a series of photoshoots and they pick the best model from that," Pamela explained.

Pamela feels as though pageants have a bad reputation and she's eager to dismiss any stigma or stereotypes surrounding the events.

"I feel like people stereotype pageant girls and think they’re a certain way, but I think women are multi-faceted in this time and age and we should be able to be whatever we want and do whatever we want and we shouldn’t have the outside world telling us we can’t," said Pamela. "In this pageant and throughout my modelling career I’ve met so many women with amazing academic backgrounds.

"Pageants are a way of helping women and empowering them and pushing them to do these great things with their lives and step out of their comfort zone.

"I think it’s unfair to have such a stereotypical viewpoint of pageants because at the end of the day it really does help women and young girls.

I know even for myself, other girls have reached out to me and been like, ‘I can’t believe the things you’re doing’ and it’s quite inspirational. That’s what I love about it, because I get inspired when I look at other women and what they’ve done, and it’s great to be a part of that."

You can vote for Miss Ireland 2021 by downloading the Miss Ireland app.



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