Miss Jamaica sends congrats to Miss World finalists



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Published:Monday | January 24, 2022 | 12:09 AMKrysta Anderson / Staff reporter

Hall took to social media to congratulate the finalists who will compete for the Miss World 2021 crown, while reflecting on her own journey which has ended.
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Last Friday, Miss World announced the 40 semi-finalists who will return to Puerto Rico for the official finals.

Unfortunately, Miss Jamaica World, Khalia Hall, didn’t make it to that leg of the competition. She did, however, send her heartfelt congratulations to the other contestants who will go on to compete for the Miss World 2021 crown.

“Congrats to the 40 incredible women who were selected to go to Puerto Rico in March for Miss World. I saw and heard first-hand the hard work you all put in, and for some of you, the roller coaster of emotions that had to be felt and overcome. All the very best! To the rest of us, we should be proud nonetheless,” she said in her Instagram post.

But it wasn’t all sunshine. A cloud hung over a downhearted Hall at the thought that she would no longer be able to represent the island on the world stage.

“Yesterday was difficult for me. Not just for myself, but for Jamaica,” she revealed, adding, “after all, that was my name for an entire month, not Khalia”.

Noting that she gave it her very best shot, she is grateful for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and will walk away with the incredible memories, newlyformed relationships, and great lessons she learned on the journey.

She went on to thank the hard-working and dedicated team working behind the scenes, along with her family and friends, who have encouraged her to dream from day one. And of course, she could not leave out her country, who showed unwavering support throughout her reign.

The 25 contestants who were selected online by the judges will join 15 others already chosen and fast-tracked to the crucial round of the competition.

The rescheduled 70th Miss World pageant is set to be held at Puerto Rico’s José Miguel Agrelot Coliseum from March 13 to 18. Jamaica’s Toni-Ann Singh, who is the reigning Miss World, will hand over her crown after a historic two-year reign.



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