Miss Jamaica World shifts into gear



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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Reigning Miss Jamaica World Kadijah Robinson

The Miss Jamaica World pageant moves into high gear today with the closed eliminations and selection of this year's finalists.

Co-franchise holder Dahlia Harris told the Jamaica Observer that things are coming into place with an impressive number of applicants stepping forward for this year's pageant and the chance to represent Jamaica at Miss World.

“We are looking forward to meeting all the girls who have applied to be part of our competition this year. Following the closed eliminations, we will have the sashing and official presentation of the finalists next Sunday at the Jamaica Pegasus,” said Harris.

Harris was brought in as co-franchise holder earlier this year to join Weston Haughton following the sudden death of Aston Cooke, who along with Haughton took over the running of the local pageant last year and reap immediate success, as Miss Jamaica World 2018 Kadijah Robinson finished in the top five at Miss World and took home the title of Caribbean Queen of Beauty.

Meanwhile, the Miss World Organisation has announced that this year's pageant will be held in London on Saturday, December 14.

Chairman and CEO Julia Morley announced that the contestants will arrive in London on November 20 with the grand final taking place at ExCeL London.

“London is the greatest city in the world to visit. It's where Miss World started in 1951 as part of the Festival of Britain celebrations, and this year we are going to put on the best show ever.”

“Each year we bring together women from around the world with a shared sense of purpose. For many of them this will be their first visit to London, and they are all so excited. They can't wait to share their traditions, the music they enjoy, the food they eat, and the astonishing range of 'Beauty With A Purpose' charitable projects they are working on,” she continued.

The opening ceremony will be held in London, each contestant will then compete in a series of fast-track events that guarantee a place in the top 30. These include Multimedia, Sport, Talent, Top model, Head to Head Challenge and Beauty With A Purpose, taking them on a journey across some of the London's most iconic landmark, exploring its rich culture and heritage

It was also revealed that Miss World will be held in Thailand in 2020 to celebrate the pageant's 70th year.



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