Miss Kazakhstan 2020 pageant canceled due to coronavirus pandemic



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AUTHOR: Zhanat Tukpiev 15:03, 17 September 2020

In Kazakhstan this year, the national contest "Miss Kazakhstan" was canceled. The decision was made by the directorate of the national beauty contest, Kazpravda.kz reports.

According to the press service of "Miss Kazakhstan", this year all the attention of the organizers and participants of the competition will be focused on charitable and social projects.

"In such a difficult time, having made the decision to postpone the finals, we intend to focus on development of the social project "Beauty in Mercy," director of the contest Alena Kyrbasova said.

The organizers report that from the first days of strict quarantine, beauty contest finalists of different years took part in the volunteer movement. They formed grocery baskets and delivered them to elderly people in need who were unable to go to stores, to doctors working around the clock.

This year, the regional qualifying rounds only will be held online.

The Miss World and Miss Universe contests have also been canceled this year.



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