Miss Kentucky Teen USA Olivia Prewitt passes down her crown



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Katelyn Gratten Jan 29, 2018 

Miss Kentucky Teen USA 2017 Olivia Prewitt wins her crown during last year's pageant. Prewitt passed down her crown to Jordan Crozier on Sunday.

Provided by Andrew Kung Photography
Beauty pageants may seem like just a sparkly dress, sash, and crown, but to Olivia Prewitt, they are so much more.

Prewitt, a UK freshman studying Integrated Strategic Communication, passed down her title of Miss Kentucky Teen USA on Sunday to Jordan Crozier, who will compete at Miss Teen USA this summer.

Winning a pageant of this caliber is an experience that can impact a young woman's life in so many ways. Prewitt has traveled the country and state promoting her platform of empowering women, made appearances and competed at Miss Teen USA.

“There is no way to describe my year as Miss Kentucky Teen USA except a dream come true," Prewitt said. "It has been a year of life-changing experiences. This weekend my heart is just overflowing with happiness thinking about all the lovely memories and friendships I have made with girls all across the country. This is definitely something that will change my life forever.”

Some young women dream of getting to have this experience but something holds them back from entering the pageant.

"If it is something you want to do, go for it," Prewitt said. "It gives you a chance to have a platform and represent girls from all over the state. Because this title gives you such a platform you are able to speak with so many different people and they listen to you because you have the power of the crown. People want to hear from you.”

The title of Miss Kentucky Teen USA has given Olivia a voice to impact others and make a difference in many lives. She said her platform was to build confidence in women and help them feel valued.

“Even if you have not done a pageant before go for it. I did this pageant one time and got lucky and won,” she said.

Prewitt is a small town girl from Danville, Kentucky. The pageant gave her an opportunity to network and run after those dreams. She did not grow up a pageant girl and is thankful she has got this opportunity of a lifetime.

She has many future goals and is motivated to accomplish them.

“I am currently working three jobs as well as being a full-time student at UK studying integrated strategic communication," Prewitt said. "So after I graduate, I hope to go into broadcast media, be a TV personality, or PR in the sports or fashion industries.”



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