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Miss Korea 2018 is hoping to use her platform to help change the standards of beauty after receiving hate for being “too fat”.

By Kacey Spivey Last updated Mar 25, 2019

Miss Korea, Soo Min Kin, is the 24 year old winner of the Miss Korea Pageant 2018, who received a remarkable amount of backlash and online hate after taking home the crown.

Soo entered the pageant during her last year of college, where studied international business at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania and majored in international management hoping to one day become an international reporter. She thought the pageant might be a good thing to put on her resume.

Soo entered the pageant, made her way through the rigorous selection process and eventually won. Which, should be something to be proud of, right?

The critics thought Soo was too ordinary looking and in a country who thinks any woman over 110 pounds regardless of her height is considered chubby…other haters thought Soo was too fat.

Which is ridiculous.

Soo says she is 5’8 and 130 pounds….Which is on the low end of a healthy weight range for that height. But, she reveals, according to Korean standards, she was supposed to weigh more like 103 pounds…which would not be healthy for that height.

Soo received so much hate that she briefly set her instagram account to private to keep the negative comments at bay. When she re-set her profile to public, most of the negative comments had been deleted. Soo sat down with Asain Boss to talk about the controversy and how this made her feel.

Steven asked her how she feels now and asks what she wants to do with her platform. Soo got tons of positive comments from those who watched this interview.

What do you think about all this? Are you inspired by Soo? Let us know in the comments section.



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