Miss Louisiana USA 2018 visits The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club



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By: Lynn Vance

Updated: May 02, 2018 08:08 PM CDT

Shreveport, La. - Today some of the students at The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club of Shreveport got a surprise visit from Lauren Vizza, Miss Louisiana USA 2018. Lauren visited with about a dozen students, ages 6 -12, at the local club this afternoon. She spoke to the young girls about being confident, being good listeners and encouraged them to believe in themselves. 

Paige Smith, the executive director of the club, says, “It’s exciting for these students to meet Lauren. The message Lauren shared with the girls today aligns with what they’re learning at the club.” Smith adds, “We teach our students to have confidence and leadership skills and they engage in activities that help build their character.” 

During Lauren’s visit, the girls asked questions about the Miss USA pageant. They also engaged in conversations about school and the importance of listening with your eyes, ears and heart. Lauren gave each of the girls an autographed card and she donated two copies of her favorite book, ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens’ by Sean Covey, to the club’s library.



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