Miss Maine named Miss Congeniality at Miss America



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December 22, 2021

UNCASVILLE, Conn. – Like so many other young women, Mariah Larocque had dreams of being crowned Miss America. And as this year’s Miss Maine, she was ready to seize the opportunity.

Unfortunately, the pandemic had other ideas.

Larocque tested positive for COVID while preparing for the festivities at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut, leading her to withdraw from the Miss America pageant – the 100th in the organization’s lengthy history. It brought an abrupt end to her campaign for the crown.

But as it would turn out, there would be something of a silver lining – Larocque would not wind up ending her Miss America experience empty-handed.

In a celebration of their affection for Larocque – as well as in a moving show of solidarity – Larocque’s fellow contestants named her Miss Congeniality in a unanimous vote.

A grateful Larocque took to Facebook to share her gratitude for the recognition.

“MISS CONGENIALITY!! I am SPEECHLESS! I owe the biggest thank you to my sisters for this incredible honor! A UNANIMOUS VOTE?! I am in TEARS! Sweet sisters, from the bottom of my heart, thank you,” she wrote on her FB page, adding “This is the first time MAINE has been acknowledged on stage outside of opening statements on national television since 1971! I am proud and honored to have been able to represent my state and leave my own small legacy even while not in attendance at Miss America.”

Congratulations to Mariah Larocque on receiving such an honor – an honor, it can’t be stressed enough, that is chosen not by a panel of judges or the general public, but by her peers. It speaks highly of one’s character that every single one of her fellow contestants thought her deserving of such recognition. Even in the pressure cooker that is the Miss America pageant, her attitude and personality clearly stood out.

As someone who knows Mariah a bit on a personal level, I’m probably showing my bias a little, but I can’t imagine they could have made a better choice than this young woman, someone whose passion has informed this dream of hers for years. She is poised and charming and intelligent – the truth is that Maine is lucky to have someone like her representing it on a national level … even if circumstances led to her departure before the main event.

I’ll put it this way – she’s always seemed pretty darned congenial to me.

Well done, Mariah. You did yourself – and the State of Maine – proud indeed.



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