Miss Malawi beauty pageant to return in 2021



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Miss Malawi 2018, Tionge Munthali

December 11, 2020 Sarah MlozoaEntertainment & ArtsNo Commenton Miss Malawi beauty pageant to return in 2021

The 2020-2021 Miss Malawi beauty pageant will take place in April 2021, organizers say.

SoNa Agency announced through a statement released on December 9, the beauty pageant was initially scheduled for September 2020, but was later postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

SoNa Agency spokesperson Sonia Carver said Miss Malawi is the epitome of beauty pageants in the country therefore it was not possible to stage such a big event during the pandemic.

“In this regard, SoNa Agency believes pushing the show to April is realistic as restrictions are being eased across the globe”

She further said for a start they are going to use online platforms for registrations to those interested to participate.

“We are going to use online platforms first. Hence, interested participants are encouraged to register on our website. Physical auditions will later be done after online registration process is done,” Carver said.

The competition is open to matured young ladies aged 18 years and above and should be of 165 cm height.

Currently Tiwonge Munthali is the current Miss Malawi beauty queen while Mwabi Mfune and Ngugi Buleya are first and second princesses.



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