Miss Maryland to attend Friendsville Days parade



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From Staff Reports

FRIENDSVILLE — Miss Maryland 2019, Caitlyn Stupi, will be featured in the 39th Annual Friendsville Days parade this Saturday at noon. Her participation is sponsored by Friendsville Pharmacy, owned by Jennifer and Terry Uphold.

Miss Maryland will also take part in activities throughout the afternoon and sign autographs for individuals in Friendsville Community Park during the festivities.

From Westminster, Stupi is a 2019 honors graduate of Liberty University and will pursue her graduate degree at Savannah College of Art and Design.

She represented Allegany County in the Miss Maryland pageant in June. In addition to winning the crown, she received the preliminary evening wear/social impact statement award and the talent award.

Stupi will represent Maryland at the Miss America Pageant in December. Her personal platform is “Common Cents,” an initiative to promote financial literacy at the primary grade level, and to encourage children that career aspirations are not limited by gender stereotypes or socioeconomic background. She will perform a cello solo as her talent.



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