Miss Monochrome



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In the final stretch of what's turning out to be a history-making turn, Catriona Gray locks her gaze at the biggest crown in the Universe where only black or white colors the finish line

By: Regina Mae Parungao

Updated March 28, 2018, 6:17 PM

Stars are aligned for the newly-crowned Binibining Pilipinas-Universe 2018 Catriona Gray. The former Miss World-Philippines has achieved the nearly unimaginable task of being the first Filipina to win another major title with many thinking it can only be kismet.

Catriona Gray, Binibining Pilipinas 2018-Universe (Photo by Rio Leonelle Deluvio/Manila Bulletin)

Ever humbly, Catriona embraces the fruit of her hard work and persistence.

“I didn’t feel comfortable at first pursuing Binibining Pilipinas but I did and I worked so hard because I had so much to lose eh, not only the other people’s expectations but also the journey that I’d been on,” she said in an exclusive interview with Bulletin Entertainment.

Catriona made sure her whole Binibini journey would show “something that is worth doing is worth doing well.”

While she acknowledges that competing in the Miss World pageant proved to be an advantage, Catriona pointed out the flipside and that is the humbling experience of going back to being a candidate.

“It feels like a whole journey,” she said. “People think that it is already a walk in the park because I’m a queen already but it was not. They don’t realize how humbling it is for me to being a queen back to being a candidate, let alone competing with people that where in my batch in the beginning.”

Catriona was a crowd favorite to win any of the six crowns in the pageant. But she only aimed for one: the Miss Universe-Philippines crown or bust.

“I really went all out because I know it’s going to be my last hurrah. I don’t want to come back and join again,” she said. “So from the very beginning I joined Binibini, I said to myself that this is mine. This is my dream and I still can’t believe that I’ve actually done it. Thank God for the opportunity.”


‘Thank you’

Catriona expressed gratitude to those who supported her bid to represent the country once again in the international pageant scene.

According to the 24-year-old Filipino-Australian, she is blessed to be surrounded with people so positive and trustworthy.

“They are able to give me the feedback that I need. Sometimes kasi the public tend to scrutinize in a way that’s not really constructive,” she explained. “So I think it’s important to have people around that you can trust their opinion, that they deliver it in a way that will build you up l, not turn you down.”

As an only-child, Catriona has her parents’ approval in whatever endeavor she wants to pursue. Another good thing is that they treat her the same regardless of the crowns she has won.

Catriona with boyfriend Clint Bondad (Photos from her Instagram account)

“They had been with me since day one and I don’t feel like I’m a different person even though I have the title, I have the following. I don’t feel that I’m a hugely important person (around them),” she said.

She has a handsome boyfriend namely Clint Bondad. They have been together for six years now prior to her being a beauty queen.

Above everything else, Catriona thanks her fans for their “unconditional love” that makes her “emotional all the time.”

“To see these legions of fans who come out to see me, to make banners, to just go there and cheer, it makes me cry. It just makes me emotional seeing their passion, dedication and support. It is something I’ve never experienced before and it’s something that touches my heart talaga,” she said, eyes getting wet.

Past the crown

Catriona did not just bag the most coveted crown. She also won, take note, the major awards including the Pitoy Moreno Best in National Costume, Best in Swimsuit, Best in Long Gown, Jag Denim Queen and Miss Ever Bilena. Woah!

“Sobrang blessed, sobrang grateful. Like, I didn’t expect to bag that many awards but I can proudly say that I did my best in all aspects of the pageant,” was how she put it.

She even nailed the question and answer portion of the competition. Recall that she was asked by US ambassador to the Philippines Sung Kim: “After the devastating war, Marawi is now on its way to recovery. What is your message to the young women of Marawi?”

Her answer: “My answer and message to the women (of Marawi) is to be strong. As women, we are the head of the household. And, we have amazing influence not only (on) our own families – as mothers, sisters, and friends – but also (on) our community. If we could get the women to stay strong and be that image of strength for the children and the people around them, once the rebuilding is complete, the morale of the community will stay strong and high.”

The 5’10 stunner advocates free education for children as well as HIV/AIDS awareness.

“I’d been working with the young folks of New Manila for about three years now. We’re focusing on not only providing school sponsorship but free education for the younger children along with the other programs like getting the teenagers off the streets and kinda giving them environment where they can learn. We also influence them to get back into school,” she disclosed.

Catriona helps the kids of Tondo

Catriona is an active member of LoveYourself, a community of volunteers that propagates ideas, attitudes and practices that encourage loving oneself – to dare to be oneself, to care for oneself and to share oneself as a way of multiplying joy.

“I am particularly drawn to this because someone close to me past away. He was so young and when I saw the statistics in the Philippines incredibly high, it’s like 140 percent and majority of them are 15-24 year old, I felt so sad,” he said of the HIV/AIDS statistics in the country though she didn’t cited her basis.

“I just feel the need to spread awareness about this kind of issue. I guess that’s what being beauty queen is all about.”


Here are fun facts about the queen:

1. Catriona sacrificed a lot for pageantry.

“Pageantry is a huge investment on oneself because you’re not just giving your time, effort and energy. Most of us need to stop from doing our work. I can’t work as a professional model kasi I’m on track na,” she said.

“Also I have to overcome a lot of personal fear at first because I was really hesitant to join another pageant. I said I’ve done one and that’s enough for my lifetime. The thing that changed my mind was I had a thought of what ifs, like, one day I’ll go back and tell myself sana I tried.”

2. She is multi-talented.

Catriona holds a Master Certificate in Music Theory from the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts. The well-traveled fashion and commercial model is also a singer and a blogger. In addition to dabbling in photography, art, cooking and traveling, she is a martial artist who holds a black belt in choi kwang do.

3. She admires Lea Salonga.

Catriona, a music-lover, would love to meet Lea Salonga.

“When I was a little girl, ‘Miss Saigon’ is my dad’s favorite musical. He would play the cassette of ‘Miss Saigon’ and I remember it so well,” she said. “When I first saw a video of Lea singing, I really felt her emotion let alone when I saw her for the first time. I guess that help mold my music.”

“She is such an inspiration to me when I was little girl and that her voice really inspires me. It cultivated the love of music in my heart.”

4. She loves doing Pilates.

Do you want to have Catriona’s toned body? Try Pilates workout.

“Pilates is really good for posture, core strength, it helps din kasi I’m wearing heals all the time. Pilates really helps alleviates the tension and gives me poise stability.”

5. She is a minimalist.

Believe it or not, Catriona doesn’t like wearing makeup and heels.

“I hate wearing heals cause I’m tall enough already, I feel like I’m above the clouds!” she said, laughing.

The first thing she does in the morning is to scroll through messages on her cell phone.

“I usually go on my phone to wake me up because I’m so terrible waking up in the morning. I’m definitely not a morning person. So I just stare on my phone just to wake myself up. Then if it’s a good day, I go on workout first but if not, I just lay on the bed.”




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