Miss Morocco looks back on her visit to Israel to participate in the Miss Universe pageant



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Helen Celebrities Dec 21, 2021

Kawtar Benhalima, the first Moroccan candidate for Miss Universe since 1978, returned Sunday to her visit to Israel as part of the competition organized for the first time in the Hebrew state. “Miss Universe for me was an extension of the activities I wanted to pursue for myself, because Miss Universe is a platform that promotes unity, social inclusion, collaboration and empowerment,” she said. in an interview with i24news.

“I saw this as an opportunity. Learning that the competition is taking place in Israel made me very happy, ”she explained. “I was aware of the historical baggage accumulated here. I wanted to learn about everything that happened in this country and the holy land, ”she continues.

As for his impressions of his first visit to Israel, Kawtar Benhalima described the country as “incredible, rich and very colorful”. “Traveling from city to city doesn’t take a lot of time. However, we have the impression that we are completely changing the environment, ”she commented.

The activist, entrepreneur and musician also confided that she felt “welcome”, recalling that “many Israelis have lived in Morocco”. “It was such a precious experience for me,” she said.

At the end of October, the official Miss Universe Morocco website announced that Morocco will participate in the 70th edition of the Miss Universe competition, scheduled for Israel, after an absence of several decades.



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