Miss Moscow 2018 picked from 49 top beauties



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December 25, 2018

Moscow’s top beauty pageant has announced this year’s winner – a 24-year-old model blogger born in southern Russia.

Alesya Semerenko was crowned Miss Moscow 2018 after beating 48 other beauties to the title. The ceremony took place in a glitzy concert hall in the Russian capital‘s suburbs.

“I still can‘t believe it, my hands are shaking,” the elated model to her 200-odd thousand Instagram followers.

Semerenko was born in the southern Russian Krasnodar region, and moved to St. Petersburg at the age of three. Now, her prolific Instagram feed features racy images taken in various spots across Europe, including the beaches of the UAE…

…as well as the occasional snap with a Moscow backdrop.

This isn‘t Semerenko’s first rodeo. She was in the top 20 at last year’s Miss Russia pageant, and took part in lower-profile countrywide contests as well.

She wants to be known for more than just her looks, however, and is studying to be an economist.

And, if she grows bored of crunching numbers, she is bound to have some options to fall back on: a modeling career, or perhaps a shot at royalty, like Miss Moscow 2015, who in November married the king of Malaysia.


"Miss Moscow - 2018" Alesya Semerenko commented on her victory

25/12/2018 07:46:34

The winner of the contest "Miss Moscow - 2018" Alesya Semerenko, in an interview with kp.ru, commented on her success.

“I was only going to win. Because I participated in Miss Russia and took 20th place there. It was not entirely fair. And I think that I am worthy, ”she said.

According to Semerenko, the most difficult on the way to victory were hours of rehearsal.

She also said that the goal is not to find a rich man, but to fulfill oneself, to use all the chances that a title gives for doing good things.

“I plan to develop, improve myself, something new can be explored, to visit a new country,” added Semerenko.

Earlier, Dni.ru reported that 49 girls were fighting for the crown.

REF: https://russian.rt.com/nopolitics/news/587067-konkurs-miss-moskva



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