Miss Myanmar reportedly gets arrest warrant for Miss Grand International speech



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Miss Grand Myanmar Han Lay during her Miss Grand International speech

Earl D.C. Bracamonte (Philstar.com) - April 7, 2021 - 3:20pm

MANILA, Philippines — It seems Miss Grand Myanmar Han Lay has put herself in hot waters, following her speech at the Miss Grand International (MGI) finals night in Bangkok, almost a fortnight ago.

In the show's segment "We Stand by Your Side," Han Lay was given the floor to air her sentiments on the civil unrest in her home country.

"My beloved fellow citizens, it is very hard for me to be able to stand on this stage tonight. It is because of that, that you want me to speak about sadness and sorrow in behalf of them - who are currently suffering from the current situation in my beloved country, Myanmar. I am deeply sorry for the people who have lost their lives on the streets.

"Every citizen of the world wants the prosperity in their country, and the peaceful environment. In doing so, the leaders involved should not use their power and selfishness to uprise. I know some people - young women and children - risked their lives.

"If this situation happened somewhere, the people from around the world (will) try to find a solution and help them. Today, in my country Myanmar, while I'm standing on this stage, there are so many people (who) died. More than a hundred people died today.

"I'm deeply sorry for all the people who have lost their lives. The people from Myanmar, they, are working on the streets for democracy. I'm also another one who's working for democracy in the state right now. Thank you so much to the MGI Organization to give me such a great opportunity, to speak out my words, through this platform internationally. I want to say from here that, please save Myanmar! We need your urgent international help right now. Let's pray for a better world where (there's) individual responsibility for the new generations. Make the world be at peace with Myanmar!" cried the beleaguered Burmese beauty, who ended her speech by singing lines from Michael Jackson's "Heal the World."

There is still no official confirmation yet, but news are circulating in Thai and Burmese pageant pages that Myanmar allegedly issued an arrest warrant for Miss Grand Myanmar Han Lay, including people who sent her to Thailand, in connection with her speech - and in being outspoken - about her country's ongoing democratic struggle and the atrocities committed by the state's militia.

Han Lay was last seen with the Miss Grand International Top 5 in the island of Phuket, where the winners were shooting photos and videos for the Amazing Thailand tourism efforts. In an earlier interview with Grand TV, she told viewers that she will be taking temporary residence in Thailand while the civil unrest is still going on.

It is hoped that the MGI Organization, whose advocacy is against war and violence, could help in Han Lay's quest for peace in the ongoing civil unrest in Myanmar.



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